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        Cover Story:  KLEAN: Immediate Extensive Contaminant Protection

        Continued from page 1                and heat and air-conditioning units that   Hospital Tested
        of fungus ruining product.           can spread germs to vulnerable patients   Wilkinson,  who
          In 2015 The Centers for Disease Control   and to staff. Typical disinfectants stop   earned his MBA from
        and Prevention (CDC) estimated that 1 in   working once dry. In contrast, the KLEAN   Boston’s Northeastern
        25 hospitalized patients developed a   solution creates an active barrier for 90   University, noted that
        Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI).   days and improves air quality as a strong   the KLEAN company
        Annually, during hospitalization these   electrical field attracts the negatively   wanted  scientific,
        HAIs led to 90,000 deaths, an average of   charged bacteria or spore to the surface for   data-driven evidence
        14 people per hospital per year. The CDC   elimination. KLEAN also offers a hand   of the product and
        further estimates that HAIs create a direct   product (no alcohol) that reduces bacteria   application technique
        economic burden of $35.7 billion annual-  for 24 hours after application.    effectiveness to pro-
        ly, averaging an annual loss of revenue per                              vide proof to clinicians
        hospital of $5.8M. Unlike typical disinfec-  How KLEAN Works             and administrators.
        tants, KLEAN’s surface protection can help   A technical description of how the prod-  Therefore,  KLEAN
        reduce hospital HAIs, improving the CDC   uct works follows: KLEAN products con-  products were tested
        numbers above, Wilkinson noted.      sist of a molecule that creates a microbial   in a live hospital using   and fungus can be found anywhere there is
          KLEAN delivers transformative long-  surface with barbs and a strong electrical   a 3rd party microbiologist.    heat and moisture. The existence of mold
        term protection against the spread of bac-  field. When bacteria, fungus or a spore   “Before the KLEAN application, only   and fungus can pose serious health risks,
        teria, fungi, mold and mildew, by creating   encounters this microbial surface, the   32% of the sites were found to be free of   mostly respiratory, to those exposed.
        an anti-microbial protected surface that   barbs puncture the cell wall and the elec-  specific microorganisms. Sixty days after   KLEAN products can significantly mini-
        continues to kill for at least 90 days. The   trical field tears the cell apart, rendering it   the KLEAN application, 87% of the sites   mize that risk either in remedial or protec-
        sanitizer/disinfectant is hospital grade, reg-  harmless by killing it. This unique durable   were found to be free of microorganisms   tive prevention applications.
        istered on the EPA List N approved for   nano-coating provides lasting antimicro-  resulting in a higher than 80% total reduc-
        COVID-19, meaning it can safely attack   bial protection for up to 90 days and is   tion in microorganisms which can infect a   Certified Professionals
        COVID upon contact.                  suitable for use on porous and non-porous   patient,” Wilkinson said.      Headquartered in Texas, KLEAN’s
          Studies conclude the average adult   surfaces.Wilkinson describes the attack in   This test hospital has now received   mobile teams of certified technicians travel
        touches thirty objects a minute and touch-  simple visual terms. “Spray your hand   eleven quarterly treatments reporting a   nationwide to apply the KLEAN products
        es their face 16 x per hour. In high traffic   with fingers extended upwards. Think of   significant decrease in the number of flu   on an annual to quarterly basis dependent
        areas, doorknobs, faucets, furniture, etc.   your fingers as swords. The applied solu-  and norovirus cases according to quality   on the facility needs. The certified teams
        can harbor germs which create a breeding   tion has a carbon base which serves as a   and safety reports. It has expanded use   are trained on the practices and protocols
        ground for bacteria and infections.   magnet for bacteria spores which impale   throughout the hospital network includ-  that support a higher level of cleanliness as
        Additionally, in hospitals there are bed   on the swords breaking up cells to stop   ing nursing homes, clinics and day-care   specified by CDC and work with the hos-
        rails, exam tables, equipment, seats, tables   their spread,” he explained.    centers.                       pital’s environmental services crews and
                                                                                   Based on application cost/square foot vs.   apply the product via customized applica-
                                                                                 the CDC estimated costs in lives and dol-  tion strategies including foggers, electro-
                                                                                 lars, this equates to a very good return on   static sprayers and drones, which can be
                                                                                 investment, hospital officials assert.    used individually or in combination
                                                                                   KLEAN’s suite of products meet FDA   depending on facility. Recently, even
                                                                                 standards as safe to use on food-contact   cannabis growers have noticed loss of crop
                                                                                 surfaces. KLEAN’s affordable surface pro-  due to toxic mold and fungus and
                                                                                 tectant is a chemical-free, non-toxic, non-  KLEAN’s products claim to minimize that
                                                                                 flammable, non-leaching, odorless, color-  loss.“Beyond patient health safety and hos-
                                                                                 less, alcohol-free, water-based solution.    pital financial savings, the benefits of a
                                                                                                                      safer, healthy environment include
                                                                                 Mold Remediation                     reduced absenteeism and increased staff
                                                                                 and Prevention                       retention and talent recruitment as a hos-
                                                                                   Additionally, over the last few decades,   pital’s reputation for leadership in bacterial
                                                                                 facilities have aimed to become airtight to   protection circulates in the community,”
                                                                                 reduce HVAC costs and protection against   Wilkinson said.
                                                                                 weather disasters including floods and
                                                                                 hurricanes. In doing so, they are potential-    For additional information, call
                                                                                 ly trapping mold, mildew, fungi, algae, and          (936) 994-7016 or visit
                                                                                 bacteria, including Staph and MRSA. Mold

        24                        December 2021                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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