P. 34

Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                           December 2021                         34

                                                                               learn, read more or share. Another tactic
                            LinkedIn at @DureeCoPR.
                                                                               action, encouraging the audience to
                                 Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and
                                                                               media posts usually incorporate a call-to-
                                      Follow Durée & Company on Facebook,
                                                                               sibility (CSR) efforts. Effective social
                                       delics-specific site at
                                                                               cle to share any corporate social respon-
                                , or its new specialized psyche-
                                                                               story or mission. This is also a great vehi-
                                        specialized cannabis site at cannabismar-
                                                                               days, and referring back to the company’s
                                       go to; or visit its
                                                                               and news, incorporating hashtag holi-
                                         more. To learn more, call (954) 723-9350;
                                                                               by staying up to date on the latest trends
                                     promotions, affiliate marketing and
                                                                               It’s important to create the right content
                                   ing, special events, branding, radio
                                                                               share it and to the appropriate audience.
                                         marketing, content development, advertis-
                                                                               strategic about what they share, how they
                                        relations, social media, marketing, digital
                                                                               ates content for clients so that they are
                                          international clients. Services include public
                                                                               brands if done correctly. Our agency cre-
                                      nonprofit arenas for local, national and
                                                                               a vital platform to promote cannabis
                                         Company serves the corporate, agency and
                                                                               that is starting to change, social media is
                                      Florida, and Aspen, Colorado. Durée &
                                                                               advertising opportunities. While some of
                                      The firm has offices in Fort Lauderdale,
                                                                               are still excluded from many traditional
                                       and special events firm founded in 1999.
                                                                               and CBD industries have become, they
                                          ning, full-service public relations, marketing
                                                                             Despite how big the cannabis, hemp
                                       Durée & Company, Inc. is an award-win-
                                                                             2. Social Media

                                                                               ference or trade show.
                                          stream topic.
                                                                               ise, or participation in a panel for a con-
                                          cannabis continues to become a main-
                                                                               about topics where they possess expert-
                                          and a greater number of opportunities as
                                                                               resulted in interviews, bylined articles
                                          array of subjects from which to choose,
                                                                               clients as thought leaders and this has
                                          There are many podcasts covering an
                                                                               in the news. We regularly present our
                                          another great way to promote a brand.
                                                                               laws being put into place or timely topics
                                          take in bigger conversations, podcasts are
                                                                               for industry experts who can speak about
                                        For those who like to speak and par-
                                                                               edge, and journalists are always looking
                                          influential thought leader in the industry.
                                                                               wealth of education or industry knowl-
                                          spokesperson as a knowledgeable and
                                                                               in the space. Many companies offer a
                                          the opportunity to promote a company’s
                                                                               and also position a company as a leader
                                          results can bring great return, including
                                                                               is a great vehicle to share these stories
                                          and audience – for a company. The
                                                                               apart from competitors. Media relations
                                          opportunities to determine the right fit –
                                                                               a story or a mission. It also sets them
                                          carefully monitor and research these
                                                                               of brands in the space. Every brand needs
                                          ing up in February 2022, it’s beneficial to
                                                                               tries. They are a key to sharing the stories
                                          CannabisLAB’s annual conference com-
                                                                               reporters and bloggers in these indus-
                                          ences, including South Florida-based
                                                                               tivate key relationships with journalists,
                                          shows such as MJBizCon to local confer-
                                                                               become mainstream, it’s important to cul-
                                          audience. From nationally-focused trade
                                                                             As CBD, hemp and cannabis have
                                          there, and there is an event for every
                                          cannabis brands to get their name out
                                                                             1. Traditional Media
                                                                               investment for a company.
                                          have always been an important way for
                                                                               great deal of engagement and return on
                                        Industry events, expos and conferences
                                                                               find these top three tips can provide a
                                        3.Events and Speaking Opportunities
                                                                               areas below and building from there. We
                                          shape the perception of a brand.
                                                                               recommend starting with the three key
                                          and wellness, or food and travel, can help
                                                                               services and overall brand. We always
                                          Influencers in cannabis, lifestyle, health
                                                                               creative ways to showcase their products,
                                          encers who are appropriate for the brand.
                                                                               working with clients on strategies and
                                          ships with both micro- and macro-influ-
                                                                               evolve, we’re always brainstorming and
                                          encers. This involves building relation-
                                                                               tions efforts. As the industry continues to
                                          nies is working with social media influ-
                                          that has been successful for many compa-
                                                                               Continued from page 36
                                                                              into Your Cannabis Brand’s Strategy
                                                                              Public Relations and Marketing
                                                                              Back Cover: Three Ways to Implement
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