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                                                                                       Three Tips for Your Healthcare
                 Maintaining Your
                                                                                           Video Marketing Strategies

                                                                                    The healthcare indus-                      can possibly be. For example,
              Do you have a website? If so, it is important to                    try can be pretty com-                       if you’re making a video cam-
            maintain your website by updating the content and                     petitive. This isn’t really                  paign that explains heart sur-
            images on the site. Just building a website and hop-                  surprising considering                       gery then it would be best to
            ing that people will contact you does not always                      how profitable this                          do a brief run-through of what
            work. It is critical to constantly educate your audi-                 industry can be if you                       happens before, during, and
            ence with tips, education, and reasons why they                       can manage to maxi-                          after heart surgery.
            should use your services or purchase your prod-  BY DORRON            mize your company’s
            ucts on a regular basis.                                              reach. This is easier said                   Be Engaging
                                                              BLUMBERG            than done, as marketing                       Lastly, you’ll want to make
              HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO HELP YOU WITH                                 can be rather tricky.                        sure that your videos are still
            YOUR BUSINESS:                                                        When it comes to mar-                        engaging. Now, there are a
              1. Keep your website up to date with the latest news, events,       keting, we can’t over-  BY CHAD TINGLE       multitude of ways you can do
                  and promotions                                                  state how important it                       this. Making use of informa-
              2. Update your social media accounts regularly                      is to create optimal                         tive graphics that help explain
              3. Create a blog post at least once per week                        video marketing campaigns. Video mar-  the complicated topics that you’re talk-
              4. Upload new photos of products or services every couple of weeks    keting is one of the most important and   ing about will go a long way when it
              5. Respond to customer questions in a timely manner                 effective ways to market a product or   comes to upping the quality of your
              6. Maintain contact information on your website for customers who    service.                           videos. So much so that it wouldn’t be an
                  want more information about your products or services.            With that being said, we also can’t   exaggeration to say that engaging graph-
                                                                                  ignore how difficult it is to create the   ics can literally make or break your video
               Dorron Designs specializes in website design, web management, graphic design,   right video marketing strategy. This is   marketing campaign. Aside from adding
              and more. Dorron Designs can help update or craft the perfect site for your busi-  why we thought it would be useful to put   graphics, you can also utilize influencers
                         ness or organization. Visit for more information    together a list of three tips that should   in your video marketing campaigns.
                                      or call/text Dorron Blumberg at (954) 609-7767.   come in handy for your healthcare video   Influencers allow you to build an instant
                                                                                  marketing strategies. If this is something   connection  with  your  audience.
                                                                                  that you’re interested in knowing more   However, you have to make sure that you
                                                                                  about, read on for a couple of tips that   get an influencer who resonates with
                                                                                  should help make creating video market-  your target market.
                            Visit us on the web at                                ing strategies infinitely easier.
                                                                                  Make It Educational                   We hope this article proves to be use-
                                                                                    While marketing often allows for a lit-  ful when it comes to helping you with
                                                                                  tle creative freedom, your video market-  your healthcare video marketing cam-
                                                                                  ing strategies for the healthcare industry   paign. While there will surely still be dif-
                                                                                  have to be more grounded. This is why   ficulties when it comes to creating videos
                                                                                  it’s best to take an educational approach   for the healthcare industry, this will give
                                                                                  when it comes to your videos. While this   you a great place to start. Be sure to keep
                                                                                  may seem difficult, it can actually be   all the information here in mind when
                                                                                  pretty simple. You don’t have to over-  creating your videos to ensure that you
                                                                                  think this as one-minute explainer   come out with the best possible end
                                                                                  videos on a variety of useful topics will   product.
                                                                                  be effective and will help promote your   If you’re looking for help with your
                                                                                  services while providing useful informa-  healthcare videos, then you’ve come to
                                                                                  tion.                               the right place. Crown Street Films is a
                                                                                                                      full-service, bi-coastal production com-
                                                                                  Keep It Simple                      pany with locations in Miami and Los
                                                                                    Considering the information that   Angeles. Crown Street Films produces
                                                                                  you’ll be dealing with, it’s crucial that   exceptional content that can be dissemi-
                                                                                  you are able to keep it simple. This is   nated across any medium.
                                                                                  easier said than done, as it can be quite
                                                                                  difficult to explain how things work in    For more information, contact Chad
                                                                                  the healthcare industry. The best way to        Tingle at (305) 794-7201 or
                                                                                  do this is to be as straightforward as you

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         4                         December 2021                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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