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         Gastro Health First in U.S. to Utilize  Cover Story: Donation of $126 Million

               New Endoscopic Gastroscope                                         Comes As 'Big Surprise'
                                                                                  Continued from page 1                state dollars for our research. It was a very
          Gastro Health is the first institution in the United                                                         arduous process. We're the newest NCI
        States to utilize the latest diagnostic and therapeutic                   tant areas, saying that it is a program that   designated cancer center, and we were
        endoscopy technology, the J10 Series Ultrasound                           bridges the clinical and the laboratory.   told that we had one of the most impres-
        Video Gastroscope.                                                        The gift has already been used to recruit a   sive applications that they had seen in a
          Daniel Gelrud, M.D., FACP, gastroenterologist and                       leader in the field, and Dr. Nimer added,   long time. In the application, 124
        advanced endoscopist with Gastro Health, became                           "We'll use the money to find new cures in   researchers were highlighted." As a result,
        the first physician to utilize the technology to exam-                    the lab for cancer, and we'll also use it to   Dr. Nimer said there are treatments that
        ine a tumor in the wall of the patient’s stomach.                         accelerate the clinical trials to demon-  are only available through the NCI, and
          “My first case with the EUS-J10 happened to be                          strate that some of the newer treatments   Sylvester is therefore the only place in
        one where this technology really made a difference,”                      are better than what we've traditionally   South Florida that has those treatments.
        said Dr. Gelrud. “This patient had a tumor in the fun-                    been doing for cancer."               Dr. Nimer is excited not only about the
        dus of the stomach, a very challenging area to reach                        Part of the donation has also been ear-  gift itself, but also about the domino effect
        and biopsy. Because this scope is smaller and more                        marked for the epigenetics center, and he   that may result in future donations. He
        flexible, I was able to access the area without any dif-                  explained that epigenetics deals with a   said that when people see what Sylvester
        ficulty.”                                                                 cell's identity. "The epigenetics we study is   can do with that kind of money, it will
          Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a minimally inva-  Dr. Daniel Gelrud     trying to understand how the cancer cell   change the manner in which they are sup-
        sive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves                       maintains itself; and if we can interfere   ported. "People want to invest in a winner.
        to produce detailed images of tissues and allows the doctor to reach organs that were   with that, the next time the cancer cell   I've been here eight years, and it's aston-
        difficult to access before such as the pancreas and the outside of the esophagus and   divides, it will actually behave normally.   ishing how much better we are becoming
        stomach.                                                                  Normal cells die over time; for example,   year after year. We're bringing in more and
          The new PENTAX Medical J10 Series Ultrasound Video Gastroscopes, which were   your skin cells die and are replaced with   more world-class people, and the people
        launched in mid-September, are designed for optimal procedural efficiency and pro-  new skin. So if you can get the cancer cell   who have been here for a long time are
        vide a lightweight and ergonomic control body design to ensure stability and ease of   to think it's a normal cell, it will die. That's   functioning at a higher level. We are able
        intubation.                                                               what the angle is: we're developing new   to provide so many advances in cancer
          “These are highly specialized procedures so being able to provide our patients with   drugs, and we need to understand how   care – patients are living much longer and
        the most comfortable experience and the most accurate possible results is critical,”   cancer cells maintain their abnormal iden-  much better lives, which is what this is all
        says Dr. Gelrud, who is also the Gastroenterology Course Program Director and an   tity."                      about."
        Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Florida International University   Additionally, Dr. Nimer led the effort to   Yes, the reason behind the donation on
        (FIU) Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. “This new technology is easier to   secure National Cancer Institute designa-  Dr. Nimer's behalf is clear.
        manipulate, lighter, provides greater imaging quality.”                   tion for Sylvester, making it the only such
          “This is the type of technology we use to go reach cancer in the wall of the stomach   center in South Florida. "We put together   For more information, call
        or in the pancreas. It allows us to perform interventional procedures that we could   a phenomenal leadership team and    (305) 243-1000 or visit
        not do before. We can now use this technology to drain cysts and help relieve pain   worked very hard to get more federal and
        caused by cancer.”

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