Page 20 - TeamDynamics2019
P. 20

                                                           ROUND 4: CROFT

                              Up to Yorkshire for a bit of argie bargie

                                                                          careful not to out-brake yourself. Although
                                                                          entry to Clervaux is still pretty quick, in a
                                                                          BTCC car it’s 4th gear, but try not to take too
                                                                          much inside apex kerb as it’s quite
                                                                          aggressive and can throw you out. The car
                                                                          will drift from the apex and it’s easy to run out
                                                                          of road very quickly, so it’s easy to drop a left
                                                                          wheel in the gravel, especially if too much
                                                                          entry speed is carried, so my suggestion is
                                                                          build up here.

                                                                          Quick squirt through a kink to Hawthorn
                                                                          Bend, which is a long, never-ending right-
                                                                          hander, which leads up to the Chicane, so
                                                                          we’re down one gear and then get the front of
                                                                          the car in tight and try and keep it there. If
                                                                          you get on the gas too fast the car can run
                                                                          wide through the corner, which will
                                                                          compromise speed through and, more
                                                                          importantly, exiting Chicane. So keep car tight
                                                                          and line up Chicane. Be careful with cold
                                                                          tyres through here on the first lap as it will be
                                                                          first time you really need the right rear, so the
                                                                          back end can step out on exit if you attack
                                                                          too hard. You really need to be inch perfect
                                                                          through this right-left Chicane, and carry as
                                   have to say, right from the off, I only know  much speed as possible as it’s a long run
                                   Croft from watching it on TV.  And even  down to Tower Bend after.
                                 Ithen, I am still not that up to speed with the
                                 make up of the circuit.  One thing you will  So you’ve made it through the Chicane. On
                                 notice is that Croft and Oulton Park have  the run down to the 90-degree right Tower
                                 swapped places in the BTCC calendar this  Bend, this straight is quite bumpy and water
                                 year.  But fear not, I know a man that knows  can collect in hollows when wet, so watch out
                                 this circuit only too well.  Yes, here’s our man  for aquaplaning down this section. In the
                                 Matt Neal to take you around Croft in Detail.  braking zone for Tower there are two crests in
                                                                          the road and the target is to brake on the
                                 Matt Neal on Croft                       second one, but beware if you hit the brakes
                                                                          exactly on it or after it as the car can skip as
                                 One of my favourite circuits on the BTCC  the road drops away, so you think you can
                                 calendar. It’s our only trip to the North East  brake later but the circuit can catch you out.
                                 side of the country and when we get there the  Saying that, you can be quite brave into
                                 circuit is a real challenge with the local fans  Tower as it does have a bit more track to play
                                 always giving terrific warm support.     with. We brake all the way into the apex,
                                                                          trying to get on the gas as hard and early as
                                 Croft is very clean and picturesque, neatly cut  possible because again exit is critical. Stay off
                                 lawns and a neat compact pit lane with all  the exit kerb as it costs you time, then you’re
                                 amenities close by. As a driver it requires a  on the run down to the ultra-fast left-right Jim
                                 high level of commitment, so racing and  Clark Esses, which are a big commitment flat
                                 finding an optimum balanced setup is key to  out in 6th gear. You do have run off, but still
                                 a fast lap.                              need to be on your game using all of the flat
                                                                          apex kerbs on both left and right sections.
                                 To talk our way round, the start/finish straight  This may be the fastest point of the circuit on
                                 is faster than you think, preceded by a hairpin  exit and again it’s a 6th gear corner next,
                                 that is probably the tightest corner of any  which is a right-hander called Barcroft. It’s
                                 circuit in the UK. It’s a good drag down to  probably my favourite corner of the track.
                                 turn 1, Clervaux, where we are well into 6th  Don’t be afraid to use a lot of apex kerb –
                                 gear by the time we arrive. It’s a challenge  getting through the corner fast is not so much
                                 being accurate with your braking point, so be  the issue, but hanging on to and stopping the

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