Page 1 - Information Caisse des pensions mars 2019 GB
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In an ever-changing world, the Pension Fund needs to secure the long-term financing of competitive retirement, invalidity and death benefits above the legal minimum.
Under the close supervision of the Pension Fund Board, composed of employer and employee representatives (details on page 4), the Fund oversees the rigorous and effective management of assets, which amounted to CHF 865 million at the end of 2018. It also needs to be adaptable, with a benefits plan that takes into account of and anticipates demographic, economic and
regulatory change.
With this in mind, an in-depth analysis was conducted by our occupational benefits expert in 2018. This highlighted:
• the increase of longevity,
• consistently low interest rates and weakening expectations of return on investments,
• the impact of these structural trends on the way we operate.
The sustainability of our system is dependent on our ability to adapt now to ensure benefits in the future.
This document and subsequent information sessions detailed on page 4 are designed to explain the changes that the Pension Fund Board has decided to implement.