Page 2 - Oct 16 Breed
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                                  Welcome to the world of Keeshonden

          The first illustrated Breed Standard of the Keeshond was introduced in February 2000.
          A special thank you to Brian Curry on producing the first edition which has given great value to both new and
          established judges and also providing a solid platform for future publications.

          In this latest edition it is hoped that through the illustrations it will give the aspiring judge the ability to understand
          the values of the breed as a whole taking special care to construction and breed points, the head, eyes shape
          and colour, ear shape and placement, but most importantly the quality of the Keeshond.

          In each section the parts taken from the breed standard is in bold type with the descriptive comments in regular

          Photographs provided through this illustration are not meant to depict the perfect Keeshond , rather they are
          considered by breed specialists to be typical examples.

          Also, one must not forget the breed’s heritage and to be grateful to those who introduced this wonderful breed
          which we enjoy today.

          We hope that this new ‘updated’ version of the Illustration Breed Standard will be greeted with the same
          enthusiasm as the previous edition and as quoted by two of our most senior all-rounders, Mrs F Somerfield and
          Mrs Liz Cartledge, who both agreed that ‘This a blueprint for other  breeds to follow. If all breeds had an
          illustrated standard this good, we would all be better judges’.

          Updated 2016 by The Keeshond Club Judges Sub Committee.

                       Mrs Wingfield Digby with Kendrick and Ch. Konstanz van Zaandam
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