Page 13 - MIVC 602.Y Final Book W1510069 Lim Tee Kiang Joanathan
P. 13

Real isa tion  -  Furt her Functiona lit y

                                                                                                             MINI INDOOR NURSERY GARDEN

                                                                                                            Water could be poured in the middle funnel and it would exit

                                                                                                            through the hole into the under layer soil bed leaving the top layer
                                                                                                            dry to lower the chance to attract fungas gnats and other insects.
                                                                                                            Nusery plants could be easily transplanted by removing the soil bed

                                                                                                                         SOIL BED AREA
                                  MIDDLE FUNNEL

                                                                                                                     UNDER SOIL FILTRATION
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