Page 192 - Book Of Enoch Vol. 1 — God In A Nutshell Edition_Flipbook
P. 192

The Book of Enoch —

                             McCracken’s Notes

                 (20) ENOCH'S MESSAGE OF GUIDANCE
                               (Pgs. 194-209)

        -  This  is  spiritual  guidance  from  Enoch
        based on the teachings of the Watchers.  The

        message is directed towards his family, and
        towards later generations, and concerns the

        importance  of  avoiding  sin  during  your

        -  The  message  is  also  directed  towards
        strengthening             the       spirits         of      people

        suffering  hard  times,  and  Enoch  stresses
        that God will deal with everyone justly, at
        the appointed time.

        - Near to the end of this section (104.11)
        Enoch encourages people such as me, who will

        come  later  and  copy  his  book  into  other
        languages, to do it carefully and exactly —
        which I have tried my best to do.

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