Page 215 - Book Of Enoch Vol. 1 — God In A Nutshell Edition_Flipbook
P. 215

The Book of Enoch —

                     References and Further Reading

        The Ethiopic Book of Enoch,

        M. A. Knibb, Oxford University Press.
        My book is based on this 1974 Oxford University translation.  There are
        many  footnotes  on  the  details  of  the  translation  and  detailed
        comparisons of the various known manuscripts and fragments of the


        The Book of Enoch,
        R H Charles, SPCK London
        Published in 1917 and the most common English translation - but not
        the best.

        The Book of Enoch the Prophet,
        Richard Laurence, Wizards Bookshelf
        Published 1821 but possibly a better version than the Charles version.

        Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil,
        Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Summit University press
        This is a good and well researched book about Enoch. It also includes
        the text of the 19   century Laurence Translation of the Book of Enoch.
        Also, there is an extensive section covering biblical references relating

        to Enoch and the book. This book also has the text of other old works
        where Enoch appears in the title, such as the secrets of Enoch, and also
        the Book of Jubilees (written at the time of the Exodus).

        Uriel’s Machine,
        Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, Arrow Books

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