Page 22 - Book Of Enoch Vol. 1 — God In A Nutshell Edition_Flipbook
P. 22

The Book of Enoch —

        healthcare  and  nutrition  can  lead  to

        increasing average size.
        — They were probably quite young, these

        Runaway angels,  but  they  had  weapons  and
        knowledge (8.1) that meant they were able

        to dominate Enoch's people easily.
        — Since they could have children, by women,
        I think it is safe to assume that they are

        men, and not angels (or any other non-human
        entity), since breeding is species specific

        by definition.  They were regarded as angels
        by Enoch and his people, (see what Lamech

        says at 106.5-6 in section 10), but Enoch
        also says they could appear like men when
        they  wished,  (see  17.1),  but  even  so,  he

        never seems to doubt their divinity.
        — At 8.4, the scene switches: to the angels

        in heaven - the Watchers at their home base.
        The activities of the runaways cause them
        to be noticed.

        —  This  section  ends  with  some  of  the
        Watchers  asking  their  Headman  what  they

        should           do         about          the         runaways.
        Alternatively, it could be seen as God being
        informed that no souls wish to incarnate on

        the  Earth  because  conditions  are  becoming
        so bad.

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