Page 87 - Book Of Enoch Vol. 1 — God In A Nutshell Edition_Flipbook
P. 87
The Book of Enoch —
McCracken’s Notes
Here we are introduced to some new
characters, there is the Chosen One, or
Messiah, and The Head of Days or ’ancient
of days’ (see also 71.10) who appears in
Daniel 7:9-10 and seems to represent God.
- It is a bit confusing that Enoch sees
characters from the future. It may be that
the Watchers presented this to Enoch as a
theatrical drama so that he could see it
and ask questions at the same time. It was
no doubt a deliberate policy not to give
actual names so that different readers in
different eras would assume they new the
- When I read this, I think it obviously
refers to Jesus, but many ages had a
’chosen one’. The number of
righteousness (47.4), that is reached,
may refer to the twelve times twelve
thousand predicted to survive in the
biblical Book of Revelations.
- Sheol is mentioned at 51.1, it is the