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Call for Papers September 28 – 30, 2016

Stowe, VT, USA

SMASIS Conference Synopsis Sponsored by the Adaptive Structures & Materials Systems Branch, Aerospace Division
Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems by
deinition are intelligent, lexible systems that The conference is divided into symposia broadly ranging from basic research to applied
have sentience and responsiveness to ever technological design and development to industrial and governmental integrated system and
changing environments. The ield has rapidly application demonstrations. The symposia speciically are:
matured due to synergistic interdisciplinary Development and Characterization of Multi- Integrated System Design and Implementation
eforts across sectors of universities,
government and industry. To continue the high functional Materials Chair: Onur Bilgen, Old Dominion Univ.
impact growth of this ield and lead it into the Chair: Henry Sodano, Univ. of Florida
future, the purpose of this conference is to Co-Chairs: Jay Gao, GM; Rich Beblo, Dayton
assemble world experts across engineer-ing Co-Chairs: Billy Oates, Florida State; Gary Seidel, Research Inst.
and scientiic disciplines (mechanical, Virginia Tech Topical areas: Sensors and actuators, power and
aerospace, electrical, materials, and civil Topical areas: Material formulations, evaluation, control electronics, smart devices and technolo-
engineering, biology, physics chemistry, etc.) synthesis, and processing; multifunctional gies, compliant mechanism design, adaptive /
to actively discuss the latest break-throughs in composites and hybrid materials; bio-inspired and intelligent / integrated systems design, smart
smart materials, the cutting edge in adaptive nano-composites; self-healing materials; novel structures design processes and tools, Industrial
structure applications and the recent triggering approaches, including optical, chemical, and Government smart products and system
advances in both new device technologies electrical, and mechanical; material property applications, smart electronics and devices,
and basic engineering research exploration.
The conference is divided into symposia enhancement; interface and interaction science. MEMS.
broadly ranging from basic research to applied
technological design and development to
industrial and governmental integrated system Mechanics & Behavior of Active Materials Structural Health Monitoring
and application demonstrations. Chair: Iain Anderson, Univ. of Auckland Chair: Kenneth Loh, UC Davis

Schedule Co-Chairs: Darren Hartl, Texas A&M Univ.; Co-Chairs: Andrew Swartz, Michigan Tech; Lingyu
April 1, 2016: 400 word abstract due Jayasimha Atulasimha, VCU Yu, Univ. South Carolina
April 15, 2016: Authors informed of Topical areas: Advanced constitutive measure- Topical areas: Damage identiication & mitigation,
abstract acceptance ments, micro- and nano-mechanics of actuator & sensor networks, data fusion, data mining and
May 22, 2016: Final full-length paper sensor materials, phase ield modeling, multi- management, damage diagnostic and prognostic
due scale and multi-physics material models, inite modeling software, system integration, and
July 15, 2016: Copyright form due
element implementations, reliability issues: aging, applications.
Full paper will appear in an archival ASME fatigue, and fracture, materials for energy storage.
Conference Proceedings. Selected papers
will be published in archival Journals. Bioinspired Smart Materials and Systems
Modeling, Simulation and Control of Adaptive Chair: Andy Sarles, Univ. of Tennessee
Participation Systems
Authors should submit a 400 word abstract to Chair: Bjoern Kiefer, TU Dortmund Co-Chairs: Pablo Tarazaga, Virginia Tech; Aimy
the conference web site Wissa, Univ. of Illinois Co-Chairs: Uwe Marschner, TU Dresden; S. Nima Topical areas: Modeling of biological systems,
Questions can be directed to: Mahmoodi, Univ. Alabama understanding physical phenomena in biological
Topical areas: Micro and macro level modeling, sys-tems, biomimetic and bio-inspired devices,
Michael Philen, General Chair vibration and acoustic control, passive/semi-active/ machines and robotics, utilizing biological
active damping and stifness variation, actuation systems, smart prosthetic systems and intelligent
Ralph Smith, Technical Chair and motion control, intelligent and adaptive control, implant materials and structures. nonlinear control, hysteresis control, modeling
simulation and control of micro/nano systems,
Ken Loh, Technical Co-Chair nonlinear dynamics, and nonlinear vibration.
Energy Harvesting
Executive Committee
Diann Brei, Greg Carman, Inderjit Chopra, Chair: Michael Shafer, Northern Arizona University
Kon-Well Wang, Alison Flatau, Ephrahim Co-Chairs: Steve Anton, Tennessee Tech; Matthew Bryan, North Carolina State University
Garcia, Dan Inman, Nancy Johnson, Jay
Kudva, Dimitris Lagoudas, Chris Lynch, Anna Topical areas: Modeling and experiments of energy harvesting using piezoelectric and magnetostrictive
McGowan, Roger Ohayon, Greg Reich, Janet materials; dielectric, ferroelectric, and ionic electroactive polymers; inductive and capacitive devices;
Sater, Sergio dos Santos e Lucato, Stefan determin-istic and stochastic excitations; broadband and nonlinear systems; aeroelastic, hydroelastic, and
Seelecke, Ralph Smith acoustic energy harvesting; MEMS and NEMS conigurations; novel circuits and storage devices.
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