Page 2 - ASME SMASIS 2017 At-a-Glance
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7:00 am - 8:00 am
8:00 am - 9:20 am           Keynote: Kon-Well Wang: Ballroom 2 & 3

9:30am - 10:40 am           Chair: Ken Loh, UC San Diego

9:30 am                     Maybird                        Superior A                       Superior B                       Wasatch A                        Wasatch B                       Magpie A                        Magpie B
9:50 am
10:10 am                    Session 1-1: SMA Films         Session 5-1: Wavelet Transform-  Session 3-1: Sensors and         Session 7-1: Metamaterial-based  Session 4-1: MR/ER Fluid        Symposium 9                     High School Outreach -
10:30 am - 10:50 am         Chair: Cory Knick, ARL         based Methods for Structural     Actuators                        Energy Harvesting                Applications                    Best Student Paper Competition  Smart Materials and Structures
                            Co-Chair: Jean-Briac           Health Monitoring                Chair: Mohammad Saadeh,          Chair: Alper Erturk,             Chair: Rich Beblo, Univ. of     I - Finalists                   Mini-Workshop
10:50 am - 12:10 pm         leGraverend, Texas A&M         Chair: Haeyoung Noh, Carnegie    Southeastern Louisiana Univ.     Georgia Tech                     Dayton Research Institute
                                                           Mellon Univ.                                                                                                                       Symposium 9
10:50 am                                                                                    Co-Chair: David Beale,           Co-Chair: Shad Roundy,           Co-Chair: Seyedvahid Khodaei,   Best Student Paper Competition
11:10 am                                                   Co-Chair: Donghyeon Ryu,         Auburn Univ.                     Univ. of Utah                    Temple Univ.                    II - Finalists
11:30 am                                                   New Mexico Tech
11:50 am                                                                                                                                                                                      Energy Harvesting TC Meeting
12:10 pm - 1:40 pm          3721                           Invited Speaker:                 3703                             3951                             3761
12:10 pm - 1:40 pm          3834                           Anne Kiremidjian, 4037           3847                             3957                             4007                            Symposium 9
12:10 pm - 1:40 pm                                                                                                                                                                            Best
12:10 pm - 1:40 pm          3884                           1-min introduction talk/panel    3989                             4001                             4009                            Student Hardware Competition
12:10 pm - 1:40 pm                                                                                                                                                                            I - Finalists
1:40 pm - 3:20 pm                                                                                                                                                                             Symposium 9
                            Session 1-2: SMAs              Session 5-2: Human Sensing       Session 3-2: SMA Systems         Session 7-2: Elastic and         Session 4-2: Biomedical         Best
1:40 pm                     Chair: Haluk Karaca, Univ. of  and Monitoring                   Modeling and Control             Acoustic Wave Harvesting         Applications                    Student Hardware Competition
2:00 pm                     Kentucky                       Chair: Ya Wang,                  Chair: Wael Zaki,                Chair: Amin Karami, SUNY         Chair: Brent Utter, Lafayette   II - Finalists
2:20 pm                                                    Stony Brook Univ.                Khalifa Univ., UAE               Buffalo                          College
2:40 pm                     Co-Chair: 
3:00 pm                                                    Co-Chair: Ken Loh,               Co-Chair: Vagner C. Sousa,       Co-Chair:                        Co-Chair:
3:20 pm - 3:40 pm           Hani Naguib,                   Univ. of California,             EESC-USP, Brazil
                            Univ. of Toronto                                                                                 Steven Anton, Tennessee Tech     Mohammad Sahlabadi,
3:40 pm - 5:40 pm                                          San Diego                                                         Univ.                            Temple Univ.

3:40 pm                     4004                           3809                             3725                             Invited Speaker:                 3853
4:00 pm                                                    3882                             3759                             Henry Sodano, 4050               3802
4:20 pm                     Invited Speaker:               3930                             3763                                                              3838
4:40 pm                     Hani Naguib, 4053                                                                                3772
5:00 pm
5:20 pm                                                                                     3920                             3961                             3814
5:40 pm - 7:40 pm
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm          Active Materials and/or        Adaptive Systems Dynamics        Structural Health Monitoring TC  Active Material Technologies     Bio-Inspired Structures and
7:45 pm - 10:30 pm          Multifunctional Materials TC   and Controls TC Meeting          Meeting                          and Integrated Systems TC        Systems TC Meeting
                            Meeting                                                                                          Meeting


                            CASMART LUNCH MEETING: THE CIRQUE

                            AIAA LUNCH MEETING: TWIN PEAKS B


                            Session 1-3: Multifunctional   Session 5-3: Transformative      Session 3-3: Control and         Session 7-3: Non-Traditional     Session 2-1: Shape Memory
                            Composites I                   Materials for Structural Health  System Modeling                  Design and Transduction          Alloys I
                            Chair:                         Monitoring                       Chair: Mark Balas, Embry-Riddle  Chair: Andres Arrieta, Purdue    Chair: Yves Chemisky, ENSAM
                                                           Chair:                           Aeronautical Univ.               Univ.                            Co-Chair: Travis Turner,
                            Cornel Ciocanel, Northern                                                                                                         NASA-Langley
                            Arizona Univ.                  Donghyeon Ryu,                   Co-Chair: Ralph Smith, North     Co-Chair: Mostafa Nouh,
                                                           New Mexico Tech                  Carolina State Univ.             SUNY Buffalo
                            Co-Chair: Michael Philen,
                            Virginia Tech                  Co-Chair: Yingjun Zhao,
                                                           Johannes Kepler Univ.

                            3800                           3980                             3726                             3955                             4029

                            3824                           3965                             3740                             3827                             3921

                            3886                           3839                             3845                             3783                             3789

                            3991                           3964                             3848                             3778

                            3908                           3890                             3969


                            Session 1-4: Multifunctional   Session 6-1: Compliant           Session 3-4:                     Session 7-4: Non-Traditional     Session 2-2: SMAs II:
                            Composites II                  Mechanisms and Morphing          Magnetorheological Systems       Design and Transduction          Experimental Developments
                            Chair:                         Structures                       Chair:                           Chair:                           Chair: Darren Hartl, Texas A&M
                                                           Chair: Eric Freeman, Univ. of                                                                      Univ.
                            Qing-Ming Wang,                Georgia                          Jovana Jovanova,                 James Gilbert, 
                            Univ. of Pittsburg                                              Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univ.    Purdue Univ.                     Co-Chair: Jeremy Schaffer,
                                                           Co-Chair: Stephen A. Sarles,                                                                       Fort Wayne Metals
                            Co-Chair: Osman Ozbulut,       Univ. of Tennessee               Co-Chair: Jeong-Hoi Koo,         Co-Chair: Heidi Feigenbaum, 
                            Univ. of Virginia                                               Miami Univ.                      Northern Arizona Univ.

                            3807                           Invited Speaker:                 3825                             3844                             3787
                            3813                           Mary Frecker, 4044               3753                             3990                             3942

                            3864                           3863                             3755                             3994                             3939

                            3944                           3806                             3782                                                              3985

                                                           3701                             Invited Speaker:
                                                                                            Jeong-Hoi Koo, 3786

                            RECEPTION: CREEKSIDE TERRACE
                            ASME ASMS Branch Meeting - Ballroom 2&3
                            Student Outing
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