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ASME 2018 SMASIS                                                                            September 10 – 12, 2018

                  CONFERENCE ON SMART MATERIALS,                                                          San Antonio, TX, USA

Call for Papers

SMASIS Conference Synopsis                         Sponsored by the Adaptive Structures & Materials Systems Branch, Aerospace Division
Adaptive Structures and Materials Sys-tems by
definition are intelligent, flexible systems that  The conference is divided into symposia broadly ranging from basic research to applied
have sentience and respon-siveness to ever         technological design and development to industrial and governmental integrated system and
changing environments. The field has rapidly       application demonstrations. The symposia and their topical areas specifically are:
matured due to syner-gistic interdisciplinary
efforts across sec-tors of universities,           Development and Characterization of                  Integrated System Design and Implementation
government and indus-try. To continue the          Multifunctional Materials
high impact growth of this field and lead it into                                                       Chair: Rich Beblo, Dayton Research Inst.
the future, the pur-pose of this conference is     Chair: Gary Seidel, Virginia Tech                    Co-Chair: Jay Gao, GM
to assemble world experts across engineering       Co-Chairs: Constantin Ciocanel, N. Arizona           Andres Arrieta, Purdue University
and sci-entific disciplines (mechanical,           TBD, TBD
aerospace, electrical, materials, and civil                                                             Sensors and actuators, power and control
engineering, biology, physics chemistry, etc.)     Material formulations, evaluation, synthesis, and    electronics, smart devices and technologies,
to actively discuss the latest breakthroughs in    pro-cessing; multifunctional composites and          compliant mechanism design, adaptive /
smart materials, the cutting edge in adaptive      hybrid materi-als; bio-inspired and nano-            intelligent / integrated systems design, smart
structure applications and the recent              composites; self-healing mate-rials; novel           structures design processes and tools, Industrial
ad-vances in both new device technologies          triggering approaches, including optical, chemical,  and Government smart products and system
and basic engineering research explora-tion.       electrical, and mechanical; material property        applica-tions, smart electronics and devices,
The conference is divided into sympo-sia           enhancement; interface and interaction science.      MEMS.
broadly ranging from basic research to applied
technological design and develop-ment to           Bioinspired Smart Materials and Systems              Structural Health Monitoring
industrial and governmental inte-grated
system and application demonstra-tions.            Chair: Eric Freeman, Univ. of Georgia                Chair: Donghyeon Ryu, N.M. Tech
                                                   Co-Chairs: Yash Tummala, S&C Electric                Co-Chairs: Ya Wang, Stony Brook Univ.
Schedule         400 word abstract due             Jovana Jovanova, U. of Skopje                        Hae Young Noh, Carnegie Mellon
March 26, 2018:  Authors informed of
April 5, 2018:   abstract acceptance               Modeling of biological systems, understanding        Damage identification & mitigation, sensor
                 Full-length draft                 physical phenomena in biological systems,            networks, data fusion, data mining and
April 26, 2018:  paper due                         biomimetic and bio-inspired devices, machines        management, damage di-agnostic and prognostic
                 uthors informed of draft          and robotics, utilizing bio-logical systems, smart   modeling software, system in-tegration, and
May 29, 2018:    paper acceptance                  prosthetic systems and intelligent implant           applications.
                 Copyright form due                materials and structures.
June 20, 2018:   Final revised paper due                                                                Mechanics & Behavior of Active Materials
June 25, 2018:                                     Modeling, Simulation and Control of Adaptive
                                                   Systems                                              Chair: Jayasimha Atulasimha, VCU
Full paper will appear in an archival ASME                                                              Co-Chairs: Darren Hartl, Texas A&M Univ.
Conference Proceedings. Selected papers            Chair: S. Nima Mahmoodi, Univ. Alabama               Nakhiah Goulbourne, U. of Michigan
will be published in archival Journals.            Co-Chair: Manuel Collet, CNRS
                                                   Wael Zaki, Khalifa University                        Advanced constitutive measurements, micro- and
Participation                                                                                           nano-mechanics of actuator & sensor materials,
Authors should submit a 400 word abstract to       Micro and macro level modeling, vibration and        phase field modeling, multi-scale and multi-
the conference web site                            acoustic control, passive/semi-active/active         physics material models, finite element                 damping and stiffness variation, actuation and       implementations, reliability issues: aging, fatigue,
Questions can be directed to:                      motion control, intelligent and adaptive control,    and fracture, materials for energy storage, and
                                                   nonlinear control, hysteresis control, modeling      multiferroic materials.
Billy Oates, General Chair                         simulation and control of micro/nano systems,                            nonlinear dynamics, and nonlinear vibration.         Emerging Technologies
Mohammad Daqaq, Technical Chair                                 Energy Harvesting                                    Chair: Ken Loh, UC San Diego
Alper Erturk, Technical Co-chair                                                                        Co-Chairs: Billy Oates, Florida State Univ.                         Chair: Amin Karami, Univ. of Buffalo                 Mohammad Daqaq, Clemson Univ.
                                                   Co-Chairs: Steve Anton, Tennessee Tech;
Executive Committee                                Mostafa Nouh, Univ. of Buffalo                       Emerging research works that are aligned with
Diann Brei, Greg Carman, Inderjit Chopra,                                                               the gen-eral theme of SMASIS but may not fit in
Kon-Well Wang, Alison Flatau, Dan Inman,           Modeling and experiments of energy harvesting        the other sym-posia. E.g.: advanced and additive
Nancy Johnson, Jay Kudva, Dimitris                 trans-ducers and applied systems using               manufacturing; nano-manufacturing; topology
Lagoudas, Chris Lynch, Anna McGowan,               piezoelectric and magnetostrictive materials;        optimization; soft robot-ics; human performance
Roger Ohayon, Greg Reich, Janet Sater,             electroactive polymers; in-ductive and capacitive    sensing and augmentation; wearable
Sergio Lucato, Stefan Seelecke, Ralph Smith,       devices; MEMS and NEMS con-figurations; novel        technologies, uncertainty analysis in materials
Ken Loh                                            circuits and storage devices; novel ap-plications/   and structures; among others.
                                                   analysis of traditional transduction (e.g. solar,
                                                   thermoelectric); energy harvesting using
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