Page 38 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
P. 38

Technical Sessions

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 18 • 3:40PM - 5:40PM

3:40pm                            4:00pm                           4:20pm                           4:40pm                           5:00pm                       5:20pm

SYMP 3-4: MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS	                              3:40pm - 5:40pm	                                                                               Lobby Level, Superior B

Session Organizer: Jovana Jovanova, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University In Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia (Yugoslav Rep)

Session Co-Organizer: Jeong-Hoi Koo, Miami University, Oxford, OH, United States

Two Stage Design of               Design Optimization of a         Crashworthiness Study of         Semi-Active Helicopter Ground    The Use of Magneto-Rheological Fluids for Simulating Arterial
Compliant Mechanisms with         Bi-Fold Magnetorheological       Helicopter Skid Landing Gear     Resonance Suppression            Pulse Waveforms
Superelastic Compliant Joints     Damper Subject to Impact         System Equipped With a           Using Magnetorheological         Invited Speaker. SMASIS2017-3786
Technical Publication.            Loads                            Magnetorheological Energy        Technology
SMASIS2017-3825                   Technical Publication.           Absorber                         Technical Publication.           Takdanai Tantiyartyanontha, Eric Shin, Jeong-Hoi Koo,
                                  SMASIS2017-3753                  Technical Publication.           SMASIS2017-3782                  Miami University, Oxford, OH, United States,
Jovana Jovanova, Ss. Cyril and                                     SMASIS2017-3755                                                   Tae-Heon Yang, Korea
Methodius University In Skopje,   Muftah Saleh, Ramin                                               Ming Cheng, Zhaobo Chen,         Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Korea
Skopje, Macedonia (Yugoslav       Sedaghati, Rama Bhat,            Muftah Saleh, Ramin              Harbin Institute of Technology,  (Republic)
Rep),                             Concordia University, Montreal,  Sedaghati, Rama Bhat,            Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
Mary Frecker, Pennsylvania        QC, Canada                       Concordia University, Montreal,
State University, State College,                                   QC, Canada
PA, United States

SYMP 6-1: COMPLIANT MECHANISMS AND MORPHING STRUCTURES	            3:40pm - 5:40pm	                                                                               Lobby Level, Superior A

Session Organizer: Eric Freeman, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States

Session Co-Organizer: Stephen A. Sarles, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, United States

Adaptive Compliant Mechanisms - Optimization, Origami, and         Modeling of Bio-Inspired,        Experimental Performance of      Bio-inspired Programmable
Ornithopters                                                       Snapping Composite Shells        Static and Morphing Concepts     Polymer Gel Controlled by
Invited Speaker. SMASIS2017-4044                                   with Magnetically Aligned        for an Avian-inspired Wing       Swellable Guest Medium
                                                                   Reinforcements                   Presentation Only.               Presentation Only.
Mary Frecker, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA,    Technical Publication.           SMASIS2017-3806                  SMASIS2017-3701
United States                                                      SMASIS2017-3863

                                                                   Katherine S. Riley, Hortense     Pedro Leal, Hannah Stroud,       Heng Deng, Yuan Dong,
                                                                   Le Ferrand, Andres F. Arrieta,   Darren Hartl,                    Jian Lin,
                                                                   Purdue University, West          Texas A&M University, College    University of Missouri,
                                                                   Lafayette, IN, United States     Station, TX, United States       Columbia, MO, United States
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