Page 62 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
P. 62

Author Index

LAST NAME      FIRST NAME  PAPER NUMBER     PAPER TITLE                                                                    SESSION
Bhat           Rama        SMASIS2017-3755  Crashworthiness Study of Helicopter Skid Landing Gear System Equipped          3-4
                                            With a Magnetorheological Energy Absorber
Bhattacharya   Dhritiman   SMASIS2017-3983  Magnetostrictive Materials, Electrical Control of Magnetism and                2-4
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3738  Parametric Analysis of a Compliant Hinge Mechanism for a Shape Memory          4-4
                                            Alloy Actuated Arm
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3739  Induced Strain Actuation for Solid-State Ornithopters: Pitch and Heave         4-5
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3733  Coupling                                                                       4-6
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3750  A Piezocomposite Rotor With Contactless Power and Data Transmission            4-6
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3751  Non-Chaotic Cross-Well State Transfer of Duffing-Holmes Type Bistable          4-6
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3737  Systems                                                                        4-7
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3736  Cross-Well Actuation of Bistable Structures Subjected to Noise Disturbance     4-8
                                            A Heat Transfer System Identification Method for Shape Memory Alloy Wires
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3735  Experimental Mode Shape Identification for a Cantilever Beam Using Optical     4-8
Bilgen         Onur        SMASIS2017-3752  Fiber Bragg Gratings                                                           4-8
Bishop         Justin      SMASIS2017-3910  Nonlinearities in Experimental System Identification of a Piezocomposite       3-5
                                            Beam Model
Biswas         Subir       SMASIS2017-3941  Fatigue Characterization of Piezo-Active Beams in Bending                      5-5
Bodaghi        Mahdi       SMASIS2017-3773  Constraint Tuning of Lightweight Elastomeric Metamaterials for Structural      8-5
Bond           Ian P.      SMASIS2017-3821  Impact Tolerance                                                               8-6
                                            Localized Damage Identification of Plate-Like Structures With Time-Delayed
Boyd           James G.    SMASIS2017-3944  Binary Data From a Self-Powered Sensor Network                                 1-4
Bradley        Natasha     SMASIS2017-3900  Shape Adaptive Structures by 4D Printing                                       5-6
Braghin        Francesco   SMASIS2017-3877  Soft Photochemical Actuation Systems: Tuning Performance Through Solvent       3-7
Braghin        Francesco   SMASIS2017-3837  Selection                                                                      3-8
Braghin        Francesco   SMASIS2017-3876  Fabrication, Characterization and Modeling of Aramid Nanofiber-                3-8
Bravo          Nikolas     SMASIS2017-3847  Functionalized Graphene Composite Electrodes                                   3-1
                                            Embedded Sensing of Damage in Composite Structures
Broughton      Roy         SMASIS2017-3989  A Physical Interpretation for Broken Reciprocity in Spatiotemporal Modulated   3-1
Broughton      Roy         SMASIS2017-3725  Periodic Rods                                                                  3-2
Browder        Cindy       SMASIS2017-3991  An Optimal Method for Periodic Structures Design                               1-3
                                            Design of Disordered Periodic Structures for Mode Localization
Bryant         Matthew     SMASIS2017-3740  Data-Driven Model Development and Feedback Control Design for PZT              3-3
Burgueno       Rigoberto   SMASIS2017-3984  Bimorph Actuators                                                              2-6
Burgueno       Rigoberto   SMASIS2017-3967  Bowden Tube NiTi Actuators With Linear Parameter Varying Model and Sliding     3-8
                                            Mode Control
Burgueno       Rigoberto   SMASIS2017-3941  Numerical Heat Transfer Modelling of SMA Actuators and Model Comparison        5-5
                                            Power Storage Composite Material - A Comprehensive Electro-Mechanical
Busani         Tito        SMASIS2017-4025  Characterization                                                               9-1
                                            Control Design for High-Fidelity Cyber-Physical Systems With Applications to
          Cai  Shengqiang  SMASIS2017-3986  Experimental Fluid-Structure Interaction Studies                               8-6
62                                          Self-Sensing Solid Materials via Delamination Buckling
                                            Tailoring the Elastic Postbuckling Response of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells
                                            for Applications in Mechanical Devices and Adaptive Structures
                                            Localized Damage Identification of Plate-Like Structures With Time-Delayed
                                            Binary Data From a Self-Powered Sensor Network
                                            Experimentally and theoretically characterizing the classical and noncassical
                                            mechanical properties of gallium nitride nanowires
                                            Reversible Actuation of Origami Inspired Composites Using Liquid Crystal
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