Page 9 - Test Issue Flip
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this is koel
At last! The wait is over. When you read this, we actually pulled it off. KOEL Magazine has seen the light of day. A publishing journey is one of hope, fear, regret, followed by sheer desperation and then, when you think all is lost and the entire team is teetering at the brink of the abyss, nirvana... alas, publish or perish. But we thoroughly enjoyed our bumpy entry into the publishing world’s atmosphere and we would do it again, any time.
As a wise man once said, we should all go into the direction of our dreams, and I have had one recurring dream for a very long time: wouldn’t it be great if there was a magazine where interior decor and yarn crafting perfectly collide? Why? I have had a deep passion for both as long as I can remember and over the years I have discovered that many of you do too. When we took a closer look at the number of yarn crafters globally, we found that millions of you are crafting away silently ‘en coulisse’. We want to spur this new
yarn movement forward into the lime light with an enticing publication
that appeals to both newbies and seasoned yarn crafters. Bringing back the coolness to old craft forms. A fresh look at yarn crafting.
As this is the debut issue, we are still getting our bearings right and inevitably some of the stories and patterns are basic introductions, but fret not avid crafters, we will make sure to get you on a steep learning curve in the next issues!
With KOEL, we hope to challenge your intuition when engaging in yarn crafting by showing you beautifully styled spaces and get you started with easy to follow patterns. But don’t worry, it is absolutely fine to go off pattern and create your own accidental artworks like many of the yarn designs that feature in this debut issue, we happily admit. The freedom to make your own decisions, right or wrong, along the way, is truly liberating and relaxing.
In KOEL, we will make it a point to get distracted now and again, as we feel that a bit of meandering through life never hurt anyone. So, we’ve decided to dabble a bit in the kitchen and offer up some unconventional recipes and food styling tips and tricks.
KOEL would not have been possible without the support of our many Kickstarter campaign backers. We owe a debt of gratitude to each of you. What a nail biting experience that was! Crowdfunding is not for the fainthearted, we now know. Our KOEL Ambassadors once again came through