Page 6 - Skys The Limit Magazine Winter Edition
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Fine Dining: Mealtime Elevated to an Art Form
Yuan Mei, an eighteenth century scholar, poet and gastronome said it best when he said, “There is a difference between dining and eating. Dining is an art.”
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fine dining is a sensual experience. for all of the senses. The table is visually enticing;the linens are impeccable, the place settings are simple and elegant, the stemware and glassware are gleaming and the  atware is abundant. Symmetry is not to be ignored when dressing the table. The devil most certainly is in the details. A centerpiece is set in the exact middle of the table, with all other adornments used in equal numbers only.
The menu, equally as important as the ambience, should include a few intensely  avorful selections, prepared with only the  nest and freshest ingredients. The ideal meal will leave one completely satis ed yet wanting more at the same time.
A point to remember. If you are  nished with your meal. place the napkin to the left of your plate. However, if you are merely leaving the table for a few moments, leave it on your chair.
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Flatware placement, and usage, is one of the most important aspects of a  ne dining experience, and often the most confusing. There is so much more
to the etiquette of  atware than forks on the left
and knives and spoons on the right. Following the accepted American rules of etiquette one should hold and use the fork in your dominant hand, switching hands only to cut meat. Once the knife has been used it is laid on the side of the plate. If the British standard is more in line with your philosophy of life, keep the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left. Remembering to work from the outside in when selecting utensils, the soup spoon often gives one pause. The proper way to eat the soup is to place the spoon in the center of the bowl, then scoop up the liquid pushing from the center away from you.
“Go Touchless” Flatware is an example of a new art form of  ne dining!
Still have questions or concerns?
Contact us at Sky’s The Limit Magazine for some innovative suggestions.

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