Page 68 - BPT Consumables and Tools for Cleaning Catalog
P. 68

Working Security

         Eye Emergency Plan

          Take the bottle out of the box.  Turn the eyes cup until the seal breaks.  Tilt back the head and rinse or...  tilt the head forwards and rinse.

           Dirt and Pollutant   Recommended Rinsing Continue to rinse until    Recommended Rinsing
           Effects              Solution             medical treatment is available

           Alien Object         Sterile Eye Rinsing Solution Sterile Eye Rinsing Solution  Rinse eyes until the alien objects have been
           e.g. dus, chips, grains, metal  500 ml    500 ml                    washed out.
           and wood splinters   Art.-No. 5400 32     Art.-No. 5400 32
           Acid Damage          pH-neutral Phosphate   Sterile Eye Rinsing Solution  Rinse eyes for 2 minutes with pH-neutral until
                                Solution             500 ml                    the bottle is empty. Continue rinsing with the
                                200 ml               Art.-No. 5400 32          eye rinsing solution until medical treatment is
                                Art.-No. 5409 33                               available.

           Alkaline Damage      pH-neutral Phosphate   Sterile Eye Rinsing Solution  Rinse eyes for 2 minutes with pH-neutral until
                                Solution             500 ml                    the bottle is empty. Continue rinsing with the
                                200 ml               Art.-No. 5400 32           eye rinsing solution until medical treatment is
                                Art.-No. 5409 33                               available.

           Other Damage         Sterile Eye Rinsing Solution Sterile Eye Rinsing Solution  Rinse eyes until unpleasant feeling subsides.
           e.g. solvents and oils  500 ml            500 ml                    Continue rinsing until medical treatment is
                                Art.-No. 5400 32     Art.-No. 5400 32          available.

           Damage to the Skin   pH-neutral Phosphate   Sterile Eye Rinsing Solution  Rinse the skin for 2 minutes with pH-neutral
           due to acids, alkaline   Solution         500 ml                    until the bottle is empty. Continue rinsing with
           solutions and chemicals  200 ml           Art.-No. 5400 32          the eye rinsing solution until medical treatment
                                Art.-No. 5409 33                               is available.

         Important:                                           Work Place Ordinance Section 39
                                                              Eye-rinsing bottles must be provided depending on the type of hazard
         The eye should be rinsed with a soft and continuous stream of liquid.  (e.g. when handling acids or bases)..
         Only compress the eye rinsing bottle gently during the rinsing process!
         Medical attention is required for any eye injury or contamination. Rin-  Accidents with alien objects
         sing should be performed during transport to the physician. Sterile eye
         rinsing solution for one-off use. Re-use poses a risk of infection.  The period of exposure is an important factor for mechanical injuries,
                                                              e.g. caused by metal and wood splinters, dirt, dust and other alien
                                                              objects. Immediate rinsing can in such cases prevent the alien objects
         Accidents with acids and alkalines:                  from settling in the eye and causing severe eye damage. Our
         During such accidents, the chemical burns start as soon as the sub-  eye-rinsing solution with 0.9% sodium chloride is the right choice for
         stance comes in contact with whe eye. We recommend using pH-neu-  this purpose.
         tral when such injuries occur.
                                                              Hazardous goods transports
         Durability (MHD)                                     Hauling companies are obligated to equip each vehicle used for
         The sterile eye-rinsing solutions have a shelf life of three years when  transporting dangerous goods with a car first-aid set according to DIN
         unopened. No maintenance or cleaning of the bottle is required. The  13164, to which an eye-rinsing flask, protective goggles, etc. are
         expiry date is on the label.                         added.

         Worker Protection Act Section 3                      DIN EN 15154-4
         Worker Protection Act Section 3                      Regulates the performance and functional requirements as well as
                                                              usage information for eye rinses without a water connection.

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