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                                                                 2019-2020 WAUNAKEE HIGH SCHOOL COURSE REQUEST SHEET - GRADE 09

                                               KEY:  S1 (offered only Semester 1) -- S2 (offered only Semester 2) -- S1or2 (offered both Semester 1 and 2) -- YR (year-long course)
                                                                            Students/Parents:  Please highlight requested courses or fill out the Schedule Planner
                                                                                                                                                                           Student Name:
                            AGRICULTURE EDUCATION
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1   S2    S1or2    YR             SOCIAL STUDIES
                            AGR1022          0.5     Intro to Agriculture                            X                            Course #       Credit   Course Name                                S1   S2    S1or2    YR
                            AGR1011          0.5     Natural Resources I                        X                                 SST1011-2      1.0      World History                                                   X
                            AGR1071          0.5     Plant Science                              X                                 TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING EDUCATION
                            AGR1082          0.5     Small Animal & Pet Care                         X                            Course #       Credit   Course Name                                S1   S2    S1or2    YR
                            ART EDUCATION                                                                                         TEE1052        0.5      Big IDEA                                         X
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR             TEE1041/2               IDEA (Innovation, Design, Engineering,                  X
                            ART1011          0.5     Elements of Art 2D                         X                                                0.5      Art)
                            ART1022          0.5     Elements of Art 3D                              X                            TEE1011-2      1.0      Intro to Engineering Design                                     X
                            ART1032          0.5     Graphic Design: Principles & Illustration       X                            TEE1021        0.5      Intro to Industrial Technology             X
                            BUSINESS & INFO TECH AND MARKETING EDUCATION                                                          TEE1032        0.5      Intro to Industrial Technology                   X
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR             TEE1081        0.5      Woods I:  Fine Wood Working                X
                            BUS1011/2        0.5     Dollars & Sense                                        X                     TEE1101-2      1.0      Yearbook                                                        X
                            BUS1042          0.5     MS Office Advanced                              X                            WORLD LANGUAGE
                            BUS1031/2        0.5     MS Office Basics                                       X                     Course #       Credit   Course Name                                S1   S2    S1or2    YR
                            COMMUNICATION ARTS                                                                                    WLA1111-2        1.0    French I                                                        X
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR             WLA1121-2        1.0    French II                                                       X
                            ENG1021-2        1.0     Advanced English 9                                             X             WLA1211-2        1.0    Mandarin Chinese I                                              X
                            ENG1011-2        1.0     English 9                                                      X             WLA1221-2        1.0    Mandarin Chinese II                                             X
                            COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                                                      WLA1011-2        1.0    Spanish I                                                       X
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR             WLA1021-2        1.0    Spanish II                                                      X
                            CSC1011/2        0.5     Computational Thinking                                 X                     WLA1031-2        1.0    Spanish III                                                     X
                            CSC1022          0.5     Game Design                                     X                            WLA1041-2        1.0    Spanish for Heritage Speakers                                   X
                            FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR            BY RECOMMENDATION ONLY
                            FCS1011/2        0.5     Culinary Arts I                                        X
                            FCS1022          0.5     Fashion & Fabrics                               X                            OTH0001-2        1.0    Active Learning                                                 X
                            HEALTH AND HEALTH SCIENCE EDUCATION                                                                   ENG0021-2        1.0    Reading/Writing Workshop                                        X
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR             Varies           1.0    Math Workshop                                                   X
                            HLT1021/2        0.5     Foundations of Health Care Delivery                    X
                            HLT1011/2        0.5     Health Science Occupations                             X                    Schedule Planner (Be sure to fill in year-long courses across both semesters)
                            MATHEMATICS                                                                                                         SEMESTER 1                                    SEMESTER 2
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR             1  English 9/Adv English 9                REQ   1  English 9/Adv English 9                REQ
                            MAT1011-2        1.0     Algebra I                                                      X             2  World History                              REQ   2  World History                              REQ
                            MAT2011-2        1.0     Advanced Algebra                                               X
                            MAT1021-2        1.0     Geometry                                                       X             3  Biology                                       REQ   3  Biology                                       REQ
                            MUSIC                                                                                                 4  Alg/Geometry/Adv Alg                  REQ   4  Alg/Geometry/Adv Alg                  REQ
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR             5  Intro to Phy Ed or Elective                5  Intro to Phy Ed or Elective
                            MUS1111-2        1.0     Chorale                                                        X
                            MUS1011-2        1.0     Concert Band                                                   X             6  Elective                                   6  Elective
                            MUS1311          0.5     Jazz Improvisation                         X
                            MUS1322          0.5     Music History                                   X                            7  Elective                                   7  Elective
                            MUS1211-2        1.0     Philharmonic Orchestra                                         X             8  Study Hall                                 8  Study Hall
                            PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                                                                    ALT Selection:                                ALT Selection:
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR
                            PHY1011/2        0.5     Intro to Physical Education                            X
                            SCIENCE                                                                                              Parent Signature:  _________________________________________________
                            Course #       Credit    Course Name                               S1    S2   S1or2    YR
                            SCI1011-2        1.0     Biology                                                        X            (If applicable) Case Manager Signature:  _______________________________
                            SCI1021-2        1.0     Principles of Biomedical Science                               X
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10