Page 17 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 17


                FROM THE JOB TRAP

                         Business start-up guidance

                         Surely, you cannot return Empty
                         handed. It’s time for you to find a
                         seer. A seer is a mentor, someone
                         who sees greatness so much that
                         they find all means  available to
                         prepare you for greatness. For life, I              JOBS
                         have been attending churches trying
                         to find someone who could anoint
                         me for the role I was about to take. I
                         was looking in the wrong places until                 ARE

                         this message came to me. Have you
                         caught any fish? No was my obvious
                         answer. Cast your net into the deep.                 FROM
                         What was the deep? The deep was a
                         detailed understanding of what I was                     THE
                         doing. In order to gain understanding
                         you either get someone who has
                         already done what you are trying to                  DEVIL
                         do. Find a mentor or a consultant to
                         show you step by step on what you
                         want to do. That’s my role, to instruct
                         you to take steps towards the
                         direction of attaining your goals.

                            ESCAPE ! THE GATE
                               IS WIDELY OPEN

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