Page 3 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 3
Get out jobs are from the
devil ………………… 3
The job absurdity……7
Get your copy from amazon
……...…….. 11
Program for excellence 2019
training program launch… 21
Registrations ………………33
Get out jobs are from the
devil ………………… 3
The job absurdity……7
Get your copy from amazon
……...…….. 11
Program for excellence 2019
training program launch… 21
Registrations ………………33
Get out jobs are from the
devil ………………… 3
WHEN YOU DO WHAT YOU LOVE The job absurdity……7
YOU GET HANDSOME REWARDS Get your copy from amazon
……...…….. 11
It is time for the entrepreneur in you to image. The world is Program for excellence 2019
waiting for you to take the first step towards your dream training program launch… 21
life. You came with all you need to make it to the success
destination. Registrations ………………33
This magazine is designed to help every emerging Get out jobs are from the
entrepreneur to unleash their potential and be part of the devil ………………… 3
game changers.
The job absurdity……7
It will stimulate you to put your gift and talent to profitable
use . You can get more information from our website listed
below. At DBS we are here to support you during and after
your business launch. Take the initial steps to start
redesigning your life.
Visit the website and start unleashing your potential.