Page 18 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 18
Having ideas and
opportunities at hand is one
thing and another thing to
find the courage to do what
one wants is another thing.
Most people dream to be
successful they say I will do
this I will do that but when it
comes to the ‘doing bit’ they
opt out. They find every
reason why it cannot be
done. Hence they live with
regret. And the past repeats
She has been asked many itself over and over again.
times where ever she is They say this one wronged
interviewed, “I have a great me and I don’t have what it
passion that fuels me to be, takes to do that.
do and have what I want. I
just can't settle; passion Take full responsibility for
drives me to do this. I never your life and go find your
get tired to do the things I purpose for living. Find your
love the most.” purpose. Your purpose is
everything. Your purpose is
the reason you are here
“I am grateful for having the today. Purpose is everything.
opportunity to do what I Find it and you will have no
love. doing what Now I feel problem becoming a
satisfied with what I do” phenomenal success.