Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7


                                                                                             Your chance to Advertise in

                                                                                                    Our Monthly Magazine
                  Give your ideas a bigger chance

                  Reach thousands of clients on the click of a page

                  This is a great opportunity to turn       We cannot have the winning              DBS has a calculated program for
                  your ideas, life stories and abilities    awards unless we have                   those with great desire to make a
                  into a lucrative business. You might      outstanding achievements                difference to the planet but
                  already have a business, a program        amongst us.                             cannot figure a better way  to
                  or have written a book that you’re        Right now, DBS is looking for           express their message.
                  looking to gain exposure from and         extraordinary people with amazing
                  drive traffic to your website or social   stories, and awesome businesses         The program for excellency will
                  media that could translate into           to promote and feature in our           help you craft your story into an
                  paying clients and customers?             magazine and on our TV channel.         exclusive business that’s
                                                                                                    irresistible. We will help you
                  Destiny Business Suite Magazine is        Our goal is to help 1 million           build your business step by step
                  not only an inspirational publication     visionary entrepreneurs take their      turning your ideas into stories
                  that highlights the accomplishments       ideas out of the ordinary into the      sharable to different platforms.
                  of visionary Entrepreneurs, we also       real world of success. And that can     You will also be able to let the
                  offer publicity and marketing             only happen when you take real          entrepreneur in you to emerge.
                  services to help increase your            steps towards making an authentic       And that will enable you to live
                  business success.                         difference to the world.                meaningful and fulfilled life.
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