Page 5 - Common Woodcarving Recipes
P. 5
Common Recipe: DC10
Description: Carved into the shape of a small bird, the openings
carved along the wings and in the beak allow this bird-call to
replicate the songs of many birds.
Material Cost:
Effect: Make a performance check with a DC10. On a
success a bird local to the area you are in will come and
alight on your finger or shoulder. It will be friendly and you
will have advantage on any checks made to communicate
with it for 10 minutes. Otherwise it is just a normal bird and
will need to be handled like any other animal.
Quality Effect: Modify DC
Shoddy: +3, 50% chance Superior: -1
the bird will be hostile
Exceptional: -2
Poor: +1
Masterwork: -3, 50% chance
the bird will understand you
Standard: 0
without additional spells