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Interview: Passionate Swiss-Russian businesswoman is running her caviar company in the South of France and Switzerland.
LookBook: Your caviar has an exceptional taste and the brand is well known by most demanding experts in Monaco. What is the secret of your production?
Svetlana: CaviarPlaces is simply a story of the purity of the product and of human passion. While launching the company my deepest wish was to bring back the taste of so-called “fisherman caviar” that I used to eat almost every day in my childhood.
LookBook: We know that you came to caviar business from private banking industry, how did you get the idea to launch your own brand?
Svetlana: It happened absolutely naturally. While travelling around the world as a banker, I found out that it was barely impossible to get caviar of good quality, even in the most exclusive resorts and high cuisine restaurants. So I decided that CaviarPlaces should go to the places and bring pure and fresh caviar to the real caviar lovers.
LookBook: Where is your caviar produced?
Svetlana: Our caviar comes from Russia n fish cultivated in aqua farms in France. And I would like to underline, that today in caviar industry “made in France” guarantees the best expertise in production process.
LookBook: One of your slogans says: eat caviar every day. Is it healthy and do you eat caviar every day?
Svetlana: The main philosophy of our company is to share our passion for special a product and to live a special moment with caviar. So you can live the moment every day.
Moreover, CaviarPlaces is natural, without colorants and other additives. It’s healthy and full of omega and good fats. As I’m originally Russian, I can eat caviar every day and I love to share this moment.
LookBook: Are you satisfied with the results after six years of running your business? Svetlana: Today CaviarPlaces is a family owned company, presented in 14 countries including Japan. We have launched different services such as CaviarPlaces Club, CaviarPlaces catering, CaviarPlaces concierge. The company is well known in France, Monaco, Switzerland and other countries. I’m proud of our team and I’m happy when our clients become friends and when they send me photos of empty tins of caviar in the night.
Honestly speaking, I have a lot of plans and being Russian-Swiss I can’t stop and tell that now I’m totally satisfied. It’s a story of balance and pleasure. I’m just living the moment.
 Lookbook Magazine April 2021 | 99

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