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The KSPCA is sincerely grateful to everyone
who contributed in one way or the other, in
making our biggest annual fundraiser, Shaggy
Dog Show, a success.
All of us at the KSPCA wish you a
very Happy New Year, and our team
look forward to achieving great steps
in animal welfare in Kenya in 2020.
We are excited to announce our
We apologise for the lateness of the latest collaboration with Brooke EA.
newsletter, as you see we are trying They have awarded us a grant of
a new format, which still needs some Kshs 2 million to finance a project
improvement so please bear with us! to highlight and enforce compliance
gaps in the donkey slaughter houses
The KSPCA team
and donkey skin trade. We will
mainly be addressing the issues
surrounding donkey theft, in-transit
welfare and inhumane slaughter both
in and out of the slaughter houses.
We sure do hope to
have you all on board
again this year.
2 www . kspca-kenya. org www . kspca-kenya. org 3