Page 74 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 74
Paragraph 2 Reasons for
Attending College
People go to college for many reasons. Some attend college to fulfill
lifelong goals, others to escape dead-end jobs, still others to fulfill their
families’ expectations. What has brought you to college?
Write a paragraph discussing your reasons for attending college,
using the following steps.
Prewrite: Take a sheet of paper and begin with the words, “When
I . . . .” Write for five or ten minutes without stopping, then look to see
what you have. Does your prewriting focus more on the past (When I
was a child, I used to line up my dolls and pretend they were
students . . .) or on the future (When I receive my nursing degree, I will
be able to fulfill many of my dreams . . .)? Seeing whether your focus is
on the past or on the future will help you to decide on the direction
your paragraph should take.
Plan: Look over your prewriting and underline the most important
words and ideas. Then construct an opening sentence that states the
central idea you want to express in your paragraph. Some typical
opening sentences follow.
All of my reasons for attending college are rooted in the past.
Attending college is one way I can ensure a brighter future for my