Page 142 - Introduction to Business
P. 142

116     PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

           Case in Point

                       The Supervisory Board at DaimlerChrysler

                       The supervisory board, or board of     representative from the German Metalworkers’ Union
                       directors, at DaimlerChrysler Corpora-  in Germany.
            tion, one of the world’s largest automobile compa-
            nies, has according to German codetermination law  supervisory_e.htm (accessed June 3, 2004).
            20 members, 10 of whom are elected by the share-
            holders and 10 of whom represent the employees.   Questions
            The shareholder-elected representatives include lead-  1. Do you think union and other employee represen-
            ing academics and business executives from through-  tatives should be members of corporate boards of
            out the world, such as the chairperson of Nortel Net-  directors?
            works Corporation, the former chairperson of      2. To what extent should the DaimlerChrysler board of
            Dresdner Bank, and the former CEO of Xerox Corpo-    directors have representatives from both Germany
            ration. The employee members represent employees     (Daimler) and the United States (Chrysler)?
            from throughout the worldwide operations of the   3. Why do you suppose German law is so encourag-
            company, including a representative from the United  ing of stakeholder representation on corporate
            Autoworkers Union (UAW) in the United States and a   boards?

                                        Companies taking a stakeholder orientation toward their employees care
                                     about them and make a special effort to look after them. The classic example,
                                     perhaps, is that of Malden Mills in Methuen, Massachusetts. In 1995, a fire
                                     burned the company facility to the ground, putting 3000 people out of work. The
                                     company’s owner and CEO Aaron Feuerstein, however, kept them all on the pay-
                                     roll with full benefits for three months. In explaining his decision, Feuerstein
                                     simply said, “I have a responsibility to the worker, both blue-collar and white-
                                     collar.” 32

                                     Even under a stakeholder model of business governance, a company’s shareholders
                                     remain its most important constituency. The difference between the stakeholder
                                     and shareholder governance models is that under the stakeholder model, share-
                                     holders are not the only important constituency.

                                        reality      Can you think of a company you interact with that goes especially out
                                      CH ECK         of its way to assist its customer stakeholder group?

             Societal Responsibility Model of Business Governance

             Describe the societal responsibility model of business governance.

        societal responsibility model of  The societal responsibility model of business governance goes a step beyond the
        business governance The business  stakeholder model and says that businesses operate for the benefit of, and have a
        governance model operating from the
        premise that a purpose of business is to  responsibility toward, not just stakeholders but society in general. Take, for exam-
        benefit society at large     ple, the case of SC Johnson Company, the family-owned company that makes such
                                     well-known household products as Johnson’s Wax, Raid, Pledge, and Glade. In 1975,

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