Page 308 - Introduction to Business
P. 308

282     PART 3  Marketing

                                     EXHIBIT 8.4
                                     The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
                                     for Business Firms

                                       Code      Industry
                                       11        Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
                                       21        Mining
                                       22        Utilities
                                       23        Construction
                                       31–33     Manufacturing
                                       41–43     Wholesale trade
                                       44–46     Retail trade
                                       48–49     Transportation and warehousing
                                       51        Information
                                       52        Finance and insurance
                                       53        Real estate and rental and leasing
                                       54        Professional, scientific, and technical services
                                       55        Management of companies
                                       56        Administrative and support and waste management and
                                                 remediation services
                                       61        Educational services
                                       62        Health care and social assistance
                                       71        Arts, entertainment, and recreation
                                       72        Accommodation and food service
                                       81        Other services (except public administration)
                                       91–93     Public administration

                                     market their products or services to any of these industries can obtain lists of compa-
                                     nies that are included in the NAICS categories.
                                        Marketers need to understand the differences between the ways consumers and
                                     organizations purchase goods and services. While many purchases by consumers
                                     involve modest expenditures for consumable products, organizations are more likely
                                     to be purchasing more expensive products, like machinery, that are used in making
                                     other products. Business firms tend to purchase in much larger quantities than indi-
                                     vidual consumers or households.  They put more emphasis on rational buying
                                     motives such as efficiency, productivity, and cost versus value than consumers. Pur-
                                     chasing by organizations also involves a more complex and lengthier process and
        new tasks Brand-new, first-time
        purchasing decisions for organizations  involves more people, usually trained specialists, than that by individual consumers.
        that require a great deal of information  It is helpful for marketers to understand the type of purchasing decisions facing
        gathering and evaluation     organizations.  New tasks are brand-new, first-time purchasing decisions; they
        straight rebuy A routine purchasing  require a great deal of information gathering and evaluation. A straight rebuy situ-
        situation for organizations that requires  ation is routine and requires little or no time or effort. In a modified rebuy case, the
        little or no time or effort to conclude
                                     buying firm is considering different suppliers for an item previously bought on a
        modified rebuy The buying decision for
        organizations that involves the  straight rebuy basis.
        consideration of different suppliers for
        an item previously bought on a straight  Government Market
        rebuy basis
        government market Local, state, and  In the United States, the government market involves purchases by local, state, and
        federal purchasers of goods and  federal governments, which amount to about 25 percent of all purchases. Thus, the
                                     government sector is an important customer. In some countries, governments are

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