Page 324 - Introduction to Business
P. 324

298     PART 3  Marketing

        first mover The company that is first into  company’s product or service. If a company is the first to invade a niche market, it
        a market with a new product or service
                                     can obtain  first-mover advantages.  These include the possibility of preempting
        positioning Endowing a new or existing  competitors, aura of leadership, initial cost advantages, and higher profits.
        product or service with attributes
        deemed important by a market so that  Another important aspect of a niche marketing strategy is positioning.
        the market perceives the offering as  Positioning refers to endowing an existing or new product or service with attributes
        superior to competitive products on  that are deemed important by the market, with the market perceiving that the offer-
        these attributes
                                                                                      ing is superior to compet-
        EXHIBIT 8.8                                          Price                    itive products on these
                                           Low                                 High   attributes. Let’s assume
        Positioning a New Soft                                                        that a food and beverage
        Drink                        Good
                                                                     Brand B          company is considering
                                                                                      developing a new soft
                                              New brand
                                                                                      drink. In researching con-
                                                                      Brand A         sumers, it discovers that
                                                                                      taste and price are the
                                       Taste                                          two most important qual-
                                                                                      ities affecting their choice
                                                  Brand E                             of soft drink.  The com-
                                                                                      pany then conducts addi-
                                                                                      tional research to see how
                                                                     Brand C
                                               Brand D                                their offering compares to
                                                                                      five major brands on
                                                                                      these qualities. Exhibit 8.8
                                     shows that the new brand is positioned well for success, as it is the only brand that
                                     is perceived to have both low price and good taste.
                                        reality      Give some examples of how political parties have pursued a niche
                                      CH ECK         marketing strategy.

             Managing Customers

                                     General Electric, AT&T, Chevron, Federal Express, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Levi
                                     Strauss, Southwest Airlines, State Farm, and Taco Bell are some of the smart com-
                                     panies that are putting together aggressive programs for managing their customers.
                                     They are doing this because they realize that customers may well be their most
                                     important asset. They have been rewarded handsomely for their customer man-
                                     agement programs.
                                      • AT&T and Intel obtained market-value-to-book-value ratios of 4.5 times or
                                        better. General Electric achieved return-on-equity to cost-of-equity ratios of
                                        better than 2.5 to 1. 49
                                      • State Farm obtained a 20 percent increase in average annual income for its
                                        insurance agents.
                                      • John Deere increased its golf and turf revenues by 35 percent. 50
                                      • British Airways’ profits jumped 61 percent in 1995 over what it earned in 1993.
                                      • Ritz Carlton Hotel has 90 percent of its customers stay with them again. 51

                                     Analyzing Customers
                                     The first step in a customer management program is to analyze your customers. The
                                     chief objective is to determine which are profitable and unprofitable.  “Learning

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