Page 418 - Introduction to Business
P. 418

392     PART 4  Accounting

           Case in Point

                       McDonald’s Works to Improve Health

                       After considering health concerns      count remains the same, 540 in a large order of
                       regarding cooking oil, McDonald’s indi-  fries.
                       cated that it would remove about 48       Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the
           percent of trans fatty acids (TFAs) from most fried  Center for Science in the Public Interest, said that this
           foods as part of its worldwide movement to get rid of  was a good step forward toward reducing the artery-
           TFAs in cooking oil. McDonald’s maintains this     clogging fat in fried foods and helping Americans to
           change won’t alter the taste of the foods. In coopera-  reduce their risk of heart disease.
           tion with long-time oil supplier Cargill, McDonald’s  The cooking oil change may have an impact on
           said it has come up with a better cooking oil that is  the fast-food industry, which has been slow to dis-
           much lighter on TFA levels while cutting saturated fat  cover nutritious alternatives that people really want
           by 16 percent. This increases polyunsaturated fat, the  to eat. While fast-food chains have tested low-fat and
           good fat, by 167 percent, according to the company.  even fat-free versions of their products, slow sales
              TFAs are found in hydrogenated or partly hydro-  bumped them off permanent menus.
           genated vegetable oils, those that are solidified to
                                                              Source: Jennifer Waters, “McDonald’s Loses ‘Bad’ Fat in
           form margarine or shortenings. The typical shopper  Fries,”, September 3, 2002.
           is hard pressed to avoid them. Trans fats are found
           in almost all processed foods and baked goods.
           McDonald’s U.S. restaurants began cooking with the
           new-formula oil in 2002, with non-U.S. restaurants  1. Altering restaurant operations, such as changing
           following suit in 2003. In addition to fries, McDon-  cooking oil, is a costly undertaking. Do you think
           ald’s will deep-fry Chicken McNuggets, Filet-O-Fish,  the decision to change cooking oil will lead to
           hash browns, and crispy chicken sandwiches in the     higher or lower profits?
           oil. Overall, the fat-gram level will stay the same at  2. Was the decision the correct ethical decision,
           26 grams for a large order of fries. The calorie      regardless of the effect on corporate profits?

                                     The universities are responding with an increased emphasis on ethical training for deci-
                                     sion making. For the most part, however, they ignore the teaching of values. For moral
                                     or ethical education to have meaning, there must be agreement on the values that are
                                     considered “right.” 3
                                        In Chapter 1 of Ethical Issues in the Practice of Accounting, Michael Josephson
                                     listed the Ten Universal Values. They were
                                          Honesty                  Caring
                                          Integrity                Respect for others
                                          Promisekeeping           Responsible citizenship
                                          Fidelity                 Pursuit of excellence
                                          Fairness                 Accountability  4

                                     Can Ethics Be Taught?
                                     People sometimes ask, Can ethics be taught? At some point in life, ethics must be
                                     taught. People are not born with innate desires to be ethical or to be concerned
                                     with the welfare of others. The role of the family embraces teaching children a code
                                     of ethical behavior that includes respect for parents, siblings, and others. The fam-
                                     ily bears the chief responsibility for ensuring that children will receive the neces-
                                     sary education and moral guidance to become productive members of society. The
                                     basic values such as honesty, self-control, concern for others, respect for legitimate

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