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The Fashion of the Nation
Insights: Nazione (Digital Fashion Magazine)
Transformative consumer
& market intelligence
Ÿ In-depth insight into the consumer of
today and tomorrow.
Ÿ Complete coverage of trends in retail,
consumer markets and marke ng.
Ÿ Team of top industry experts
Ÿ Original content with fresh perspec ves to
spark outside-the-box thinking.
Ÿ Insight into what people value now and what they
will desire next.
Ÿ Consumer a tudes segmented by genera on and
Ÿ Consumer forecasts predic ng behaviours
Ÿ Repor ng on the future of travel, technology,
automo ve, beauty, food, wellness and more This is a presenta on copy of Nazione- Digital Fashion Magazine and not for prin ng & publica on.
Ÿ In-depth repor ng on what it takes to build an
iconic brand.
Ÿ Best-in-class case studies of innova ve marke ng
and crea ve campaigns
Ÿ On the ground coverage of key takeaways from
major industry events and conferences
Ÿ Seasonal round-up of top campaign trends
Ÿ Evolving our understanding of the retail
Ÿ The retail experience broken out by city, category
and format
Ÿ Iden fying predic ve shopping behaviors
Ÿ Comprehensive analysis of online and offline retail