Page 6 - Seasons Magazine Advent 2020
P. 6

 My Help comes from The Lord
Have you ever looked up into the sky after a storm? The clouds are gray, and the air is still, yet there is still movement. Sometimes you can look up into the sky and see a glimpse of the sun shining. Look up above, and in hindsight you will see a little peak of light coming through the gray clouds and skies. This lets me know that the Son is always there.
Even in the midst of trouble you can find that you are never alone. That God is always there to guide you through it all. He is there to see you through and moreso, to carry you through. We do not know it, because the gray clouds our judgement. It does not always allow us to see - or feel - that we are covered and comforted. Sometimes the gray skies make it seem as though there will never be a light to shine through. Never be a breakthrough in the weather.
Psalm 121 tells us that our help comes from the Lord. He will guard us from evil, preserve our soul, and watch over us in our coming and going. With a God like that, we learn to appreciate the gray, because it means that the sun will follow and shine through even on our darkest of days.
Lord, when it feels most dark in my life, help me to see the sun shining through the clouds. Your word says that you ARE my help. If you can make heaven and earth and every living creature, you can protect me and guide me in all of my trials and overwhelming situations. Help me, Lord, to keep my eyes on you. To look to the hills from where comes my help, as it is in you that I find my strength.
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