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Loud Cities Magazine / #1 Jan 2021 19
new label. My web inqui- you about your appear-
ries drove me to TONN. The ance in Tonn Liveworks at
visual first catched me. The Mac Belfast in 2019,
Its clean cut and minimal what is this 30-minute live
design associated to the performance?
city of Belfast plus a Lady
as owner of the label Two days before I left the
intrigued me immediately. city of Belfast, on March
As I read on TONN’s face- 3rd 2019, a video cap-
book wall that was not pos- tation was planned at the
sible for the label to add MAC. A collaboration with
a new artist on its cata- the choreographer Vasiliki
logue I didn’t contact Mary Stasinaki who I met after
McIntyre. But coincidently, my live show with This the
two days after, she bought Bridge at the Black Box end
my album “Lady Dandy” of February. When Mary
on my bandcamp. As I use suggested a collaboration
to send a private message with the choreographer,
to each of my supporters, Vasiliki and I immediatly
we started to exchange decided to work on the
together and of course live version of “Repetitive”
it fit. Then we released which sounded as a “con-
the album “Play Bizarre” t e m p o r a r y - sy n t h” . We
on September 2018; then recorded it without any
Iv/An and I re-visited one rehearsal. Vasiliki and I
of our respective tracks on are professional and use
the mini album “DUAL”, I to perform on stage so
also did three remixes everything was magically
(Misfortunes, Crystalline synchronized and it gave
Strictur e, Vogue.Noir ) , the TONN Danceworks you
a cover (David P.), two can watch on TONN youtube
singles (Control, Mystery), channel. The performance
a TONN Liveworks, a TONN was done so quickly that
Danceworks, two portraits we had time for doing
by Chad Alexander and more. Vasiliki left the room
Christopher Martin and I and Mary asked me to play
played in Belfast twice. So one song. She removed the
much achieved in less than grey curtain for the black
two years and a half. We one. A stark aesthetic and
can say that MADMOIZEL atmospher e came fr om
and TONN Recordings have those “Black Curtains” and
been determinated profes- perfectly fit with my sil-
sional partners. houette and my minimal
set up. Instead of playing
one song I decided to play
I just couldn’t ignore asking the full live as if I was on
©Laetitia Bica