Page 36 - LCM_issue_01_Jan2020
P. 36
36 Loud Cities Magazine / #1 Jan 2021
who working hard right convenience and speed of
now to make that happen. digital technology. We man-
We need real support, ually edit sounds and exter-
real purchases, and a real nally process some instru-
belief that together we can ments/effects to give our
break the system. DIY is the work a more contrasted
current state of the under- and raw feel… if that makes
ground for sure… but there sense? We are very open to
is still something missing. any and all construction.
People don’t spend money Software and hard synths
on music anymore and that are combined but our new
limits how far independent album will be mainly digital.
music can grow.
SEM: Can you give us please
SEM: What is inspiring you a few names that you are
both in making music? currently listening to?
Other arts you are keen
on and you draw inspira- NN: Jade has been into local
tion from? rap artist Bryanna plus
digging deep into YouTube
NN: We both share a massive videos for Apollonia 6, Roni
passion for music of the Griffith & Madonna. Roger
70s & 80s. Jade idolizes has been into early 2000’s
Debbie Harry, disco and the vinyl artist like T iga,
new romantic bands like Polygamy Boys, Xlover, Adult
Duran Duran… but her taste plus 80s minimal wave.
in underground electronic
music is very real also. SEM: Thank you New Neon–
Roger is into everything any last thoughts?
Brian Eno and Devo plus
a very large dose of dark- NN: Thank you! We are very
wave and techno/house on happy to be interviewed and
vinyl. We both love photog- we hope that your readers
raphy & video and make find us interesting and like
collage art when we have our sounds! We truly appre-
some spare time. We would ciate any and all fans and
love to make some physi- friends! Peace
cal art for sale one day.
Keep up with
SEM: Analog, digital, or New Neon
a combination of both?
What’s your way of enhanc-
ing your music?
NN: We love the analog
sound but we need the