Page 8 - August-2020-Issue
P. 8

SCOPE organizes Webinar with ILO

              on Employers’ Response to Pandemic

                                                                              DG, SCOPE in his address  said
                                                                              that the present scenario is one
                                                                              of  the toughest faced  by emplo-
                                                                              yers and so there is an inherent
                                                                              need  for everyone to have an
                                                                              optimistic approach and ensure
                                                                              worker safety while adapting
                                                                              to the ‘New Normal’.  He also
                                                                              mentioned that  SCOPE and ILO
                                                                              are working closely in bringing
                                                                              forth the issues related to labour
                                                                              and work.
              Ms.  Dagmar  Walter,  Director,  ILO  DWT  South  Asia  &  Country  Office  for  India;   Mr. Peiris highlighted the impor-
              Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE; Mr. Tsuyoshi Kawakami, Senior Specialist, OSH, ILO,
              DWT; Mr. Ravi Peiris, Senior Specialist Employers’ Activities, ILO DWT; Dr. Sanjay   tance of survival and resilience
              Kumar, Director, Personnel, WCL and Member, SCOPE Executive Board and Dr. R.   through social dialogue between
              K. Elangovan, DG FASLI, Ministry of Labour & Employment during the webinar  employers  and  employees  and
                                                                              signified  the  ability  of  adapting
                   he  quest  for  sustainable  officials  from  PSEs  attended  the  to change as the biggest asset for
                   employment and creating  webinar through SCOPE’s various  any organisation.  He suggested
              Ta safe, equitable and dy-      platforms.                      employers to not only focus on
              namic  workplace  has  accelerated   Ms. Walter speaking about the   the future but also the present, in
              amidst the ongoing pandemic.    global job scenario emphasized   order to succeed.
              Offering  insights  into  the  same,   that  during this  unprecedented  Dr. Elangovan spoke about  the
              Standing Conference of Public   crisis, everyone has to come to-  need for detailed prepared-
              Enterprises (SCOPE) organized   gether, understand the realities  ness amidst the ‘New Normal’
              a webinar titled ‘ILO’s response   and impact of this pandemic and  and  shared  views  on  Pandemic
              to the pandemic - Learning and  share knowledge and experienc-  Response Procedure that en-
              Sharing of Global Practices’ in  es in dealing with it. She added   sure  safety and  wellbeing of all
              association with International  that,  the  pandemic  has  affected   stakeholders.
              Labour Organisation (ILO) on 6   both quality and quantity of jobs
              July 2020. Ms. Dagmar Walter,  and measures taken to ensure     Mr. Kawakami spoke about ILO’s
              Director, ILO DWT South  Asia  worker protection, stimulate eco-  guidelines  with regard to  secur-
              &  Country  Office  for  India;  Mr.  nomic  and  labour  demand;  sup-  ing health and safety at work-
              Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE; Dr. R. K.  port employment  and  incomes   places.  Talking about causes  of
              Elangovan, DG FASLI, Ministry of  and using social dialogue be-  spread of the virus he gave prac-
              Labour & Employment; Mr. Ravi  tween government, workers and    tical tips like reducing human to
              Peiris, Senior Specialist Employers’  employers to help overcome this   human contact at workplaces and
              Activities, ILO DWT; Mr. Tsuyoshi  crisis. Reflecting on the impact of   equipping workers with the ap-
              Kawakami,   Senior   Specialist,  the pandemic she quoted the lat-  propriate equipment.
              OSH,  ILO,  DWT  and  Dr.  Sanjay  est ILO findings that estimate the  Dr.  Kumar  stated  that  the  key
              Kumar, Director, Personnel, WCL  number of working hours lost in  take away from the webinar was
              and Member, SCOPE Executive  the  first  half  of  2020,  equivalent  to acquire  learning’s  from  the
              Board addressed the meet.  Nearly  to the loss of 400 million full-time  past and present to establish a fu-
              500 participants including senior  jobs globally.               turistic organisation.

               8     KaleidOscope  August, 2020
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