P. 44

                   Friday 7 december 2018

            National Hero elevated with Project Boy Ecury

                                                                                                   resides.  Several  speeches
                                                                                                   and a play were part of the  Bonus for the Archive
                                                                                                   ceremony.                    The  plus  point  for  the  Na-
                                                                                                                                tional Archive is that many
                                                                                                   Importance                   documents  that  were  in
                                                                                                   The director of the National  a  doubtful  condition  now
                                                                                                   Archive, Raymond Hernan-     have    been    digitalized,
                                                                                                   dez, is happy with the results  making  the  information
                                                                                                   of  the  Boy  Ecury  project.  more  accessible  to  the
                                                                                                   He  expressed  hope  that  public.  In  the  end  the  ar-
                                                                                                   with  this  project,  the  na-  chive’s  aim  is  to  inventor-
                                                                                                   tional hero will be elevated  ize,  restore  and  preserve
                                                                                                   to a higher level. Nearly 75  valuable materials to make
                                                                                                   years ago Boy Ecury passed  thenm  accessible  to  the
                                                                                                   away  in  the  Netherlands  public. Besides that there is
                                                                                                   and  now  community  has  the opportunity to achieve
                                                                                                   the chance to know about  private  archives  that  have
                                                                                                   this war hero and the way  a  historical  value  like  the
                                                                                                   it  affects  thoughts  about  one of the family Ecury.
                                                                                                   freedom, war and memori-
                                                                                                   als. The project was carried  Film & Music
                                                                                                   out  under  the  strict  guide-  During  the  event  the  pub-
                                                                                                   lines  set by the National Ar-  lic  could  also  enjoy  a
            ORANJESTAD  –  A  project  National  Archive  to  realize  research  and  collection   chive and the Britt, with the  video  showing  Boy  Ecury
            dedicated  to  the  national  the  project  in  the  light  of  of  documents  about  Boy   help of Shanaya Geerman  with  some  friends  enjoying
            hero Boy Ecury was recent-   the Year of the Resistance,  Ecury and his life.          on digitalization, did a tre-  his  last  Christmas  dinner.
            ly  presented  at  Boy  Ecury  supported  by  Dutch  orga-                             mendous job. “It shows that  The  video  was  created  in
            square.  In  honor  of  the  nizations.  2018  is  the  year  The  result  of  the  project   the  younger  generation  the  Netherlands  and  now
            memory  of  the  World  War  dedicated  to  the  War  Re-  was presented by a group    also have an interest in the  forms part of the collection
            II Aruban hero the founda-   sistance  within  the  Dutch  of   distinguished   guests,   work of archiving and that  at  the  National  Archive.
            tion Friends of the National  Kingdom,  whereas  those  among them were the gov-       gives hope”, says the direc-  The  theatre  play  that  was
            Archive  (Fundacion  Ami-    serving the Resistance dur-  ernor,  Minister  of  Culture   tor.  Ecury’s  family  played  performed  is  directed  by
            gonan  di  Archivo  (ADA))  ing World War II are being  Xiomara  Ruiz-Maduro  and      an  important  role  in  the  John Freddy Montoya and
            and  coordinator  Daniella  honored.  The  Boy  Ecury  Yvonne  Laclé-Dirksz.  Also     achievement  of  the  proj-  showed  the  young  Boy
            Britt organized the event.   project  was  the  only  proj-  present  were  members  of   ect  as  they  haven  been  Ecury  while  he  was  hid-
                                         ect  that  was  created  out-  the  Ecury  family.  This  took   sharing  documents  with  ing from the Germans and
            Almost two years ago ADA  side  of  the  Netherlands.  place in the park where the     the National Archive about  writing   his   experiences
            was  approached  by  the  The  project  enhances  a  statue of Boy Ecury proudly       Boy since 1996. The guide is  and  emotions  in  letters  to
                                                                                                   valuable to those who wish  his  mother.  Musician  and
                                                                                                   to know more about Ecury.  pianist  Johhny  Scharbaay
                                                                                                   The  documents  and  ma-     played the same composi-
                                                                                                   terials used are kept in the  tion  that  was  to  be  heard
                                                                                                   National Archive, as well as  71  years  ago,  in  1947,  at
                                                                                                   the National Library.        Boy Ecury’s funeral.q
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