P. 34

                 Saturday 12 January 2019

             Xander Bogaerts will be promoting Aruba:

             Aruba Tourism Authority NV signs agreement with ‘Dare to Dream Foundation’

            ORANJESTAD  –  Recently                                                                                             ‘Authentic  Aruba’  which
            during  a  press  conference                                                                                        focused  on  the  people  of
            the Aruba Tourism Authority                                                                                         Aruba,  what  they  like  to
            (A.T.A.)  signed  an  agree-                                                                                        do, which are their favorite
            ment  with  ‘Dare  to  Dream                                                                                        places  and  also  show  au-
            Foundation’.  The  agree-                                                                                           thentic places of our island.
            ment  has  a  great  value
            added  to  it  especially  for                                                                                      The  campaign  extended
            A.T.A.  since  our  national                                                                                        to 2018 and with more and
            hero  Xander  Bogaerts  will                                                                                        more personalities of Aruba
            be the key person promot-                                                                                           showing  of  more  cultural
            ing  Aruba  internationally.                                                                                        and culinary things.
            Bogaerts  will  also  bring
            awareness  on  the  impor-                                                                                          Bogaerts  is  the  new  addi-
            tance of our tourism to our                                                                                         tion  to  this  campaign.  He
            community.  Bogaerts  is  a                                                                                         will be showing his favorite
            well-known  baseball  play-                                                                                         places  on  the  island  and
            er  for  the  Boston  Red  Sox,                                                                                     what he likes most of Aruba.
            which won the World Series                                                                                          He will also be showing his
            last year. All his hard work  goal  is  for  Bogaerts  to  be  After evaluations from both  receive  necessary  equip-  favorite  spots  for  baseball
            and  achievements  made  part  of  the  international  sides it was agreed upon a  ment  for  their  training.  The  and  focusing  on  his  family
            him  become  Ambassador  promotion, especially in the  collaboration  through  the  foundation also offers train-   which is the main part of his
            of our Island.               Area of Boston which is the  ‘Dare  to  Dream  Founda-    ing camps and clinics and  success.
                                         second largest market from  tion’  which  was  founded  also offers the kids the op-
            For  a  few  months  now,  the US in Aruba.  Bogaerts is  by Bogaerts and his mother  portunity  to  develop  their  The agreement was signed
            even  before  the  world  se-  a celebrity back in the city  Mrs.  Sandra  Brown  back  talent in baseball.         by  the  CEO  of  A.T.A.  Mrs.
            ries  title,  A.T.A.  has  been  of  Boston  and  this  for  sure  in  2013.  The  foundation                       Ronella  Tjin  Asjoe–Croes
            working  closely  with  the  is  a  great  opportunity  for  focusses  on  kids  that  wish  At  the  end  of  2017,  the  and  Mrs.  Sandra  Brown
            ‘Dare  to  Dream  Founda-    Aruba.  Bogaerts  is  Aruban  to  practice  baseball  but  A.T.A.  launched  a  public-  director  of  Xander  Bo-
            tion’ in order to partner up  and he will let people know  don’t  have  the  necessary  ity campaign for the North  gaerts’  Dare  to  Dream’
            for some projects. The main  what Aruba is all about.     resources  for  it.  They  will  American  market  named  Foundation.q
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