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                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 12 december 2018
            AP source: McCutchen, Phillies

            agree to $50M, 3-year deal

            By RONALD BLUM               en  was  an  All-Star  each   terested  in  Bryce  Harper,
             AP Baseball Writer          season  from  2011-15,  top-  the top free agent on the
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  All-Star  ping  .300  in  batting  aver-  market,  but  has  a  surplus
            outfielder   Andrew    Mc-   age  from  2012-14.  He  was   of  outfielders,  including
            Cutchen and the Philadel-    the NL MVP in 2013.          Odubel  Herrera,  Nick  Wil-
            phia  Phillies  have  agreed  McCutchen nine years with   liams,  Aaron  Altherr  and
            to a $50 million, three-year  Pittsburgh  before  he  was   Roman Quinn.
            contract, a person familiar  traded  to  San  Francisco   Rhys Hoskins is moving from
            with  the  negotiations  told  last winter. He was dealt to   left  field  to  first  base  after
            The Associated Press.        the  New  York  Yankees  on   the  team  traded  Carlos
            The person spoke to the AP  Aug. 31 and hit .255 with 20   Santana  to  Seattle  for  in-
            on  condition  of  anonym-   homers  and  65  RBIs  in  155   fielder  Jean  Segura  last
            ity  Tuesday  because  the  games overall this year.      week.
            agreement, which includes  McCutchen  has  223  hom-      Herrera,  a  former  All-Star,
            a  club  option  for  2022,  is  ers,  a  .287  average  and   is  a  trade  candidate.  He
            subject  to  a  successful  790 RBIs in 10 major league   struggled  in  the  second
            physical.                    seasons.                     half  last  season  and  fin-
            The  32-year-old  McCutch-   Philadelphia  remains  in-   ished  with  career  lows  in
                                                                      batting   average    (.255)
            Troy Tulowitzki                                           and  on-base  percentage     In  this  Sept.  7,  2018,  file  photo,  New  York  Yankees’  Andrew
                                                                                                   McCutchen is greeted in the dugout after he hit a two-run home
                                                                      Philadelphia  pursued  Pat-
            released by Blue                                          rick Corbin and is still seek-  run during the third inning of a baseball game against the Seattle
                                                                                                   Mariners, in Seattle.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                      ing a left-handed starter.q
            Jays, owed $38M

            This is a 2018 file photo showing Troy Tulowitzki of the Toronto
            Blue Jays baseball team.
                                                     Associated Press
             LAS VEGAS (AP) — Troy Tu-   ies  agreed  after  the  2010
             lowitzki has been released  season to a $157.75 million,
             by  the  Toronto  Blue  Jays,  10-year contract that add-
             who  owe  the  oft-injured  ed $132 million over seven
             shortstop $38 million for the  seasons,  then  traded  him
             remaining two years of his  in July 2015 to Toronto in a
             contract.                   deal that brought shortstop
             Now  34,  Tulowitzki  has  Jose Reyes to Colorado.
             not  played  in  the  major  While Tulowitzki helped the
             leagues since July 2017. He  Blue Jays reach that year’s
             was limited that year to 66  AL  Championship  Series,
             games because of a ham-     he  slumped  the  next  year
             string and right ankle injury.  and  then  was  derailed  by
             The ankle required surgery  injuries.
             last  spring  and  he  missed  He  is  owed  $20  million  for
             the entire season.          next  year,  $14  million  for
             Tulowitzki  was  taken  by  2020 and a $4 million buy-
             Colorado with the seventh  out  of  the  2021  team  op-
             overall pick in the 2005 am-  tion.  Toronto  announced
             ateur draft and became a  the  move  Tuesday  at  the
             five-time All-Star. The Rock-  winter meetings.q
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