P. 31

                    Friday 11 January 2019

            “We Culture”, more than just creativity…

              Maastricht  –  “Oh  dande,  nos  a  jega  na  bo  porta,  ay  nobe!”  (Oh
              dande, we arrived at your doorstep, happy New Year!). With the be-
              ginning of a new year, Aruba initiates its biggest cultural season of
              the entire year. The season of creativity, of culture, of music, of danc-
              ing, of fashion, of design, of crafting, and of pure art. A season where
              the Aruban community is connected through celebrating carnival.
              This year Aruba is celebrating its 65th anniversary, which means that
              this year the creativity and cultural experience will be pushed to the
              max. Last year, we observed at different aspects of the Cultural and
              Creative Industry (CCI) and its possible contribution to the Aruban so-
              ciety, economy and cultural scene. Carnival is one pure example of
              how creativity and culture does produce an economic value chain.
              Today as the beginning of the year, we will start at the beginning of
              culture and what it represents in the Aruban CCI.

              According to UNESCO (2014) “culture as a sector of activity includes,
              but not exclusively, cultural workers, artists and other creative profes-
              sionals; commercial businesses; not-for-profit firms in the arts and cul-
              ture; public cultural institutions, such as museums and galleries, heri-  Culture and development cannot  we think of? What does it make us
              tage sites, libraries etc.; education and training institutions in the arts;   be seen as contrasting powers, al-  feel? What can we relate to? Be-
              government agencies and ministries responsible for arts and cultural   though  one  is  aimed  at  tradition  sides  Carnival,  besides  Dera  Gay,
              affairs;  NGOs  and  civil  society  involved  in  cultural  activity”  (p.  10).   and  one  at  change,  but  should  besides  Dande,  besides  all  other
              Many times, when discussing culture, people assume that it is an ar-  be viewed as a holistic system ap-  traditional  Aruban  practices,  it  is
              mature sector, however, this cannot be further from the truth. Culture   proach. Before we had steelpans,  important  to  understand  why  it  is
              has been one of the most ancient sectors in history and is considered   now we have brass bands and live  important  to  care  about  our  cul-
              a professional and very skilled sector. It takes many stakeholders to   musical bands on the road. Before  ture.  Like  I  previously  mentioned,
              form a cultural industry, which translates to many input and contribu-  we had simple costumes, now are  development cannot be discontin-
              tion.                                                                 costumes are more expressive and  ued, it is part of life, and especially
                                                                                    more  detailed.  Before  we  had  a  cultural  life.  Heritage  is  forever,
                                                                                    couple  of  thousand  people  on  and  should  be  protected  for  the
                                                                                    the  road,  now  we  have  around  future generations after us. Gener-
                                                                                    15 thousand people on the road.  ally, heritage is also embedded in
                                                                                    Many  times,  the  discussion  arises  the  traditional  cultural  expressions
                                                                                    when  taking  about  culture,  be-  of human creativity, manifested in
                                                                                    cause  it  is  tied  to  identity.  When  cultural celebrations, festivals and
                                                                                    a country is filled with diversity, no  folklore.  In  different  parts  of  the
                                                                                    culture stands on its own. The cul-  world,  native  peoples  and  com-
                                                                                    tural value of identity is significant,  munities  are  keeping  alive,  and
                                                                                    whether understood at the level of  sometimes  reviving  and  rescu-
                                                                                    a nation, region, city, town or com-  ing,  old  traditions  by  reproducing
                                                                                    munity. Diversity is a cultural dimen-  ancient  crafts,  using  their  original
                                                                                    sion of the CCI that became more  designs  (United  Nations,  2008).  I
                                                                                    prominent in recent years. As prac-  was  listening  to  an  Aruban  morn-
                                                                                    tices of globalization continue, the  ing  radio  show,  where  they  had
                                                                                    value of cultural diversity has been  a  ‘carnavalista’  as  a  guest.  They
                                                                                    more clearly defined and the role  talked about old carnival traditions
                                                                                    of the CCI in promoting it has been  and  what  carnival  means  to  the
                                                                                    more understood (United Nations,  people  and  so  on.  Interestingly,  I
                                                                                    2010).                              noticed that our generation knows
                                                                                                                        little about the past. Many details
                                                                                    When we sing “we culture”, when  came as a first to my understand-
                                                                                    we read “we culture” on the mural  ing.
                                                                                    painting  in  San  Nicolas,  what  do             Continued on Page 15
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