P. 53

                  Friday 14 december 2018

            The Nutcracker hosted by Kozlov Dance Academy

            ORANJESTAD — It’s that time of the year again,  of  the  ballet  is  immense  and  it  provides  an  Come  see  all  the  talented  students  on  stage
            Kozlov Dance academy is ready to present to  unforgettable  spark  to  everyone’s  holiday  at  Cas  di  Cultura  (Aruba’s  cultural  house)  in
            you this wonderful show ‘The Nutcracker’.       season. The ballerinas are very busy rehearsing  Oranjestad  on  Saturday  December  15th  at  7
                                                            in  the  studio.  They  are  ready  to  give  you  a  PM or Sunday December 16th at 5 PM.
            The  Nutcracker  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful,  magnificent show. The dedication, energy and  For more information check out their facebook
            theatrical,  staged  ballets.  The  popularity  passion they put into this show is admirable.   page Kozlov Dance Academy.q

            The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island

                                                                                                            The  honorees  are  Dave  and  Adrienne  McGill
                                                                                                            from Arizona, Andras and Elizabeth Piczer from
                                                                                                            Ohio, and Ken and Linda Thomas.

                                                                                                            These lovely couples stated that they love the
                                                                                                            island very much, especially for the nice sandy
                                                                                                            beaches,  delicious  variety  of  foods,  and  Aru-
                                                                                                            ba’s warm and friendly people.

                                                                                                            Ms.  Richardson  together  with  the  representa-
                                                                                                            tives of the Costa Linda Beach Resort presented
                                                                                                            the certificate to the honorees, and also hand-
                                                                                                            ed over some presents and thanked them for
                                                                                                            choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation des-
                                                                                                            tination and as their home away from home. q

            PALM BEACH — Recently, Kimberley Richardson  a token of appreciation to the guests who visit
            of  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  had  the  great  Aruba  20  years  and  more  consecutively.  The
            pleasure  to  honor  Aruba’s  loyal  and  friendly  Emerald  Ambassador  is  presented  to  guests
            visitors  as  Goodwill  Ambassador  and  Emerald  who  visit  Aruba  35  years  and  more  consecu-
            Ambassador. The Goodwill Ambassador is pre-     tively.
            sented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as
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