Page 245 - EVD2020
P. 245

                                                     DESTINATION NATION &
                                                      DESTINATION NATION
                                                     BOUTIQUE COLLECTION
                                                         Pages 232-242
                                                  Purchase 72 pcs. of ANY Destination
                                                    Nation & Destination Nation
                                                   Boutique and receive a R1632B or
                                                   R1632 Display Rack at no charge
                                                      available upon request
                                                      (a $60.00 value - USA only).

                        Destination Nation Boutique                                     Destination Nation ™
                             Display Rack                                                  Display Rack
                          R1632B 63” H x 24” W                                         R1632B 63” H x 24” W
                           Fits approx. 40 pcs.                                         Fits approx. 40 pcs.
                           Header Card: S0029                                           Header Card: S0029

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