Page 77 - EVD2020
P. 77

 Flopsie TM  TM                                                                            Mini Flopsie           TM TM
 Mini Flopsie

                                                                                                              24 pcs. of
                    PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT                Aurora Slat Wall Basket                                8” Mini Flopsie
               AURORA SLAT WALL BASKET DISPLAY         24”L x 12” W x 4”H
         With a minimum $200.00 purchase of any Aurora product  R1645
         (excluding Promo items), you qualify for one R1645 Slat Wall
        Basket Display at no charge. (Example: For an $800.00 order the
        customer qualifies for 4 free basket displays.) Maximum 12 free
        basket displays per customer. R1645 is also available for pur-
               chase at $8.25 ea. (unlimited - USA only).                      Display comes with a graphic strip - Aurora

               PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT                      PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT                       PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT
              MINI FLOPSIE COLLECTION                  FLOPSIE COLLECTION                    COMBO MINI FLOPSIE &
                    Pages 59-74                          Flopsie Pages 76-86                  FLOPSIE COLLECTION
              Purchase 144 pcs. of assorted          Purchase 72 pcs. of assorted              Mini Flopsie Pages 59-74
              8” Mini Flopsie in minimum               12” Flopsie in minimum                   Flopsie Pages 76-86
             quantities and receive case pack         quantities and receive case           Purchase 72 pcs. of assorted
             pricing, plus a R1632 or R1632B         pack pricing, plus a R1632B or          8” Mini Flopsie & 48 pcs. of
               display at no charge rack            R1632 display rack at no charge         assorted 12” Flopsie in mini-
                available upon request                 available upon request              mum quantities and receive case
               (a $75.00 value - USA only).           (a $75.00 value - USA only).          pack pricing, plus a R1632B or
                                                                                           R1632 display rack at no charge
                                                                                               available upon request
                                                                                              (a $75.00 value - USA only).

                                                                                         Flopsie Display Rack
            Flopsie Display Rack                  Flopsie Display Rack                 63”H x 24” W R1632 (white)
          63”H x 24” W R1632 (white)            63”H x 24” W R1632 (white)                 R1632B (black)
              R1632B (black)                        R1632B (black)                     Fits approx. 96 Mini Flopsie
         Fits approx. 160 Mini Flopsie            Fits approx. 40 Flopsie                   & 16 Flopsie
            Header Card: S0004                     Header Card: S0004                     Header Card: S0004          75
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82