Page 22 - 25-26 RLMS Curriculum Guide
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                                                                         8  GRADE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

             Algebra I Honors *High School Elective Credit; cannot be dropped after the first week of the 1st Nine Weeks
             This course is designed to provide the foundation for future secondary mathematics courses and develop skills needed to solve
             mathematical problems. Topics shall include, but are not limited to, functions, linear equations and inequalities, systems of linear
             equations and inequalities, polynomials, operations with radical expressions, solving quadratic equations, ratios and proportions.  This
             course also includes absolute value equations and inequalities, operations with rational expressions, solving rational equations and
             characteristics of quadratic graphs.

             Geometry Honors *High School Elective Credit; cannot be dropped after the first week of the 1st Nine Weeks
             This course includes a rigorous, in-depth study of all of the practical applications of geometric skills and concepts in the real world, as well
             as, but not limited to, truth tables, vectors, Fibonacci sequence, coordinate geometry proofs, proofs involving circles, and problems
             involving cross sections of solids.

             Environmental Honors Science Course *High School Elective Credit; cannot be dropped after the first week of the 1st Nine Weeks
             The goal of the Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to
             understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to
             evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them.
             Environmental science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study.

             This course expects students be capable of comprehending scientific concepts presented at an advanced level. Laboratory activities are a
             significant component in the course and offer students an opportunity to become familiar with scientific instruments and experimental
             Students taking this class:

                •  Earn a high school honors science credit.
                •  Will be required to take the FSA Science 8th Grade test, so they will be learning all the required standards of 8th grade science
                •  A Pre-Requisite for this class is 7th Grade Gifted/Advanced Science

             Page 22 | Rock Lake Middle School, Seminole County Public Schools                                    2025 – 2026 Curriculum Guide
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