Page 46 - Nupas Having an Abortion
P. 46

                They will be able to accompany you for some parts of your consultation, but during other parts you will need to be on your own. Whilst you have your procedure, they will be directed to the waiting room. If you are under 16 years old and you wish to be accompanied throughout treatment, please let a member of our team know.
I have young children; can I bring them with me?
Unfortunately we do not allow children at the clinics
so you must arrange childcare for the day of your appointment. Failure to do so might mean that you have to rebook your appointment or treatment.
Will my treatment be kept confidential?
We will not disclose your details to anyone unless we have your permission to do so. We will respect your privacy and dignity at all times. All consultations and treatments are completely confidential. However, if we feel that you are at risk of abuse or harm, then we are obliged to inform a local safeguarding team. This is for your protection.
How is my information used?
We are legally obliged to send certain data to
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at the Department
of Health i.e. age, region, number of pregnancies and gestation of pregnancy. The HSA4 form is sent to the Department of Health and is an Abortion Notification Form. The contents of the statutory HSA4 form are used
T: 0333 004 6666 T: (01) 874 0097 (Eire)

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