Page 47 - Nupas Having an Abortion
P. 47

                 to inform the CMO of abortions and will be used for statistical purposes by the Department of Health. None of your personal details will be published and it is not possible to identify you from the data submitted to the department of health.
Feedback and Complaints
Your care and comfort are very important to us and
we work hard to ensure that every stage of your care
is delivered to the highest standard. We welcome all feedback given to us and therefore, by completing the feedback form you will be given at the end of your treatment with your thoughts about our service, you will help us to continue making improvements.
We understand there may be times when you wish
to feedback to us formally or to raise a complaint.
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service and would like to make a complaint, please: Speak to a member of staff or the Clinic Manager or send an e-mail to:

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