Page 2 - Penthouse PH500 at The Barwil, 307 Tchoupitoulas Street
P. 2

A b o u t   t h e   D e v e l o p e r    

             Our current primary focus is on the conversion of historic 

             downtown New Orleans properties into residential condos,

             penthouses and commercial lofts. 

             Our special area of interest is developing mixed-use buildings

             with retail or commercial spaces occupying high traffic street

             front units while selecting those quiet spaces often tucked

             away from the street to create hidden residential retreats

             where residents enjoy the convenience of prime downtown

             addresses without many of the expected trade-offs.

             Properties such as these are rare finds and when we acquire

             one, we are passionate about creating the optimal division of

             space to provide each unit with privacy and tranquility.


                                                                        Contact Us:

                                       T r i n i o n   P r o p e r t i e s ,   L . L . C .

                                   3 0 7   T c h o u p i t o u l a s   S t   S t e   3 5 0

                                       N e w   O r l e a n s ,   L A   7 0 1 3 0    

                                        o f f i c e @ T r i n i o n P r o . c o m

                                              + 1   ( 5 0 4 )   5 2 9 - 3 4 9 4
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