Page 39 - Learn English
P. 39
Imagine you are one of the last surviving speakers of your language. It’s very important that you find ways to preserve your language. Write a paragraph describing why it is important for your language to survive. Suggest ideas on how you can achieve this. Use these ideas or your own:
• technology • art • music • games • libraries • literature • audio recordings
Go online and find the answers to the questions.
1. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
2. Are there more English speakers or Mandarin speakers in the world?
3. When is a language classified as endangered?
4. Who is Alexander Argüelles and why is he famous?
5. Where is Evenski spoken?
6. Who said ‘If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes
to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.